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Greenhorn Dev Looking For Friends.

A topic by AnotherAnonymousUser created Aug 24, 2021 Views: 191 Replies: 4
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(2 edits)

Hey everyone, I have been learning unity for the past few weeks and found out about game jams legit today haha. Seeing that it was the Brackeys Game Jam I knew I had too  participate even if I showed up late! If any other newbies wanna partner up I'm down if you just wanna say hi that's cool too.

Good luck to everyone.

P.S - its 12:58 AM so if I don't respond immediately i apologize. I have school in the morning.

Deleted 2 years ago

Yeah! of course id be down i have to go to bed for real now its super late, but add me on my discord. 


i would also like to team up

but our time zones are quite different it is the middle of the day while it is the middle of the night for you so it will be bit hard to collabarote

Hey! yeah if time zone is a issue if its in the middle of day for you when its night time for us I'm not sure it could work out. All the same I wish you good luck and thanks for reaching out to me <3.