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Submissions with the least ratings

This list excludes entries you've already rated and those without any files

The Jahr-Markt TeamNewbies00
Funfair Nightmare Psychopraktica11
Der Jahr-Markt TeamNewbies20
All-Night Polka in the Bayou ndbiller32
Plushy Choice (PowerPoint Game) johnconnor00830
Dicropterus Shizobear30
lil park CoFreGaMa30
The Beansjam NerdQuiz 4Astaroth43
KeinKopf/KeinSchlüssel Aceholehoff44
Roadhouse Blues apxllon40
Carnivoc vapo41
Blues Booster Strey40
TechnoBros ChinyONE41
Happy Time: Market PGH41
Peter Blue and the carnival of death Lobo, Levantin, Elberion50
Dillemarkt Spageddy50
Funfair Party weyoun_9th50
Blargh! fr3dch3n51
Tickets Please Scr4py57
Revenge of the Clowns FloWy50
Funfair Blue Anisie52
Blues Fair Pianfensi61
Gangster Grudges andidebob60
Blöki Dilemma Slowline, TheOtherCoder, R4yv0n60
Fairwell TheTeX60
Blues Dino Nomido61
Schummelbude MrFlavio61
Fair-man apprenticeK62
BeansJam1 Eoban60
Verzwickter Dreier fbordach71
Des Teufels Blues Alt_F470
AmusementPark 1 The Trouble Beginns Mochs70
Zucker, Wolle und das grüne Ding Mr.Mononukleose70
Already Long Lost Ecki86
Das schreien die Lämmer Diapersoft, Zynch80
Blues Runner nerd10082
Kerb Dilemma Play in browserSchick Entertainment83
Delicious Dilemma Nikolator90
Hypetrain Dilemma HealthyDeveloper91
Blues goes Carnival Play in browserSEMIGUT GAMES91
RiskIt TwoNerdStudios92
Funfair Fight boesh, SpixBird, memoryleak47, aloc, OGtoad102
Detektiv Pudelwutz Droni, FlaSh.G, AokiLee101
The Long Shot Criminux, L0rdAnsem102
Das Rote Dilemma mr.miesfies104
Smash wikked100
Shades of Blue IDidGame111
Carnivalism Bärchen-Studios110
Whack the Blues VagabondSoftware111
No Clue - Of Brother Blue Leaf Spring Studios113
Trolley Park Play in browserWyddel111
Moorschnucken - Das Schweigen Dilämma Mephisto17Games, Reengoo, Olli123
Jahrmarkt Quiz Schick Entertainment123
Fair Manager Play in browsertraumkonstrukt122
Unfunny Fair GriDie Games, MoercLP, Maltematik, Lennyonaut, kggx124
Dead Blues Walking Wildfuchs126
Ferris Wheel Dilemma Play in browserJohnEffKernedy132
Panic Park yunikorn, Obvious_San, Vault Kid131
Die Lämmer Play in browserJulian, stexus, bttrs, invertedHat, crownmountainer, Splitiii146
The Pantomime Dilemma Drant, Pistonhit, Joni24143
Flying Lamb Play in browserlausesi, JamBot142
RocketScooter Duck-Mc-Muffin143
Rollercoaster Breakdown Play in browserKayZ Games143
Melanclownie - First Enclownter Play in browserPlayThis150
Carniwell indiegesindel, herlex, Sashify, Gellek, Nel1512
Escape the Blues Play in browserInflamedGums153
Laser Blues - EXTREME Play in browserkarotofel, Keylam, Silvio257, JackWolfskind, Noizu, ThatMykl, Amiter, ThePotatoRider152
LIKE A HAT IN THE WIND Play in browserDenzel, Beico161
Blues Clues Play in browserInfectedBytes, Jukarii165
Try not to freeze to death Play in browsern4il184
Dilemper PowerUp Car Play in browsertimco203
Dungeon Time Play in browserLuBu2111
Schorsch der Schausteller Play in browserkoschi500237
Fairflickst Eukaryon, balderdash246