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paladinbaby published a game 124 days ago
A downloadable game.
Something has changed for both of you. You’re connected now. ... Apotheosis is a duet game between a mostly forgotten god and the first person they’ve been able to reach in a long time.Together they are navigating towards a goal, one th...
echo river published a game 127 days ago
A downloadable game.
Elric x Elric is a GM-less, duet game based on the Badger + Coyote SRD . And yes, it is inspired by that beloved manga series you are thinking of. Ever wanted to know how it feels to play one of the Elric brothers? Would you rather go with...
A downloadable game.
A curious witch and cat’s ghost peer into a web-filled basement… An elderly librarian and a cowboy’s ghost examine the offerings of a suspicious yard sale… A singular medium and their own ghost board an undead train… —-------- W...
A downloadable game.

I love the narrative voice of a guide that's interspersed among the rules, the game feels very emotional and intimate, which is exactly what I would expect from a game like this. I'm also in love with the asymmetrical rules, it feels like bits and pieces coming from FitD games, Lasers and Feelings, and Honey Heist!

A downloadable game.
Updated page content.
5 new uploads:
BadgerAndCoyote_CharacterSheets_PrintFriendly.pdf 168 kB
BadgerAndCoyote_A6_TravelBooklet_PrintFriendly.pdf 628 kB
BadgerAndCoyote_PrintFriendly.pdf 51 MB
BadgerAndCoyote_Spreads.pdf 117 MB
BadgerAndCoyote_Pages.pdf 119 MB
PsychHound published a game 176 days ago
A downloadable game.
It don’t matter how you got here. Don’t matter what the destination is. At some point, somehow, against the odds … Shadow felt safe with the Giant. And the Giant, though they mighta sworn off it before … cares for the Shadow. There...
A downloadable game.
Updated minimum price to $5.00. Updated page content.
6 new images
3 new uploads:
BadgerAndCoyote_CharacterSheets_Pages.pdf 1 MB
BadgerAndCoyote_TravelBooklet_Pages.pdf 16 MB
BadgerAndCoyote_TravelBooklet_Spreads.pdf 16 MB
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