Fun game. The Wilhelm screams had me laughin. it was satisfying to blast people, and fun to make them drive off the cliff. Best moment was when I accelerated to a cliff, then hand braked and a whole fleet of cars went flying off around me. I like the control scheme, picked it up pretty fast. I wish that when you pulled the gun out, it always defaulted to being perpendicular to the car. That would help me keep my bearings about where the gun is pointing. Right now, I have to assess where I left it, and then where I need it to go. It's hard to tell where the gun is pointing when there are dudes right next to you, because you can't see the gun. The AI is quite good, I enjoyed it. Guys might be a little too suicidal though.
Fun game. The Wilhelm screams had me laughin. it was satisfying to blast people, and fun to make them drive off the cliff. Best moment was when I accelerated to a cliff, then hand braked and a whole fleet of cars went flying off around me. I like the control scheme, picked it up pretty fast. I wish that when you pulled the gun out, it always defaulted to being perpendicular to the car. That would help me keep my bearings about where the gun is pointing. Right now, I have to assess where I left it, and then where I need it to go. It's hard to tell where the gun is pointing when there are dudes right next to you, because you can't see the gun. The AI is quite good, I enjoyed it. Guys might be a little too suicidal though.
Overall, very nice work.