I killed some cross monsters and got past the curtain. I love the eerie feeling you captured with the darkness and environment. The first monster was actually pretty scary and a threat, but I found the next few encounters a bit easier as you can back up and turn down a hall and they will just go forward and disappear into the walls. The stone environment would greatly benefit from a simple ambient song that gives a scary feeling. I'm curious to what comes next. What are your plans to add next?
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from heaven CD's itch.io pageComments
My first screen recording failed sorry, but it was basically the same path but I made it to the first room with the faceless woman and then the credits started playing.
It was a bit disorienting at first with what I was supposed to do, but the combat is pretty good and the level design is nice with seeing the CD behind the bars and having to backtrack to get it. Would love to play more of this, great job!
It was a bit disorienting at first with what I was supposed to do, but the combat is pretty good and the level design is nice with seeing the CD behind the bars and having to backtrack to get it. Would love to play more of this, great job!
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