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LucieK published a project 5 years ago
A downloadable project for Windows.
This video is going to be about spider girl, who decide to steal painting and disappear.
Saif Ahmed published a project 5 years ago
A downloadable project.
The Demon rests in his abode, knowing he cannot leave, nor can those who challenge him. Due to my final year project taking all of my time , I only had 2 days to animate the power-up and attack animation, so I split up the times accordingly...
Miguel.madate published a asset pack 5 years ago
A downloadable asset pack for Windows.
the challenge asks for us to create 4 animations, that can be fit together into a sequence, and idle, power up, release and recovery animations. My initial idea was to draw inspiration from classic snk and capcom fighting games, since those...
MaciejOsuch published a asset pack 5 years ago
A downloadable asset pack.
Introduction When I looked at SDRS 2019 brief I was not confident how I was going to approach that project because I did not have experience in animation for games. Before that project I just animated idle and simple kick sequences with Ste...
Alex McCunn published a Spike the Fighting Fox 5 years ago
A downloadable Spike the Fighting Fox.
Meet Spike! The charismatic, quick witted and loyal fox fighter! As part of the Search for a Star competition run by Grads in Games, this submission is the collection of my efforts for demonstrating the process I conducted when creating my...