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Vervdrie rated a spoop 1 year ago
A downloadable spoop for Windows.
A downloadable spoop for Windows.

This is definitely one of the best Action RPGs on that I have played. It was a really fun and wholesome game that I found myself really getting into when I started playing it, and that I immediately missed after finishing it.

Serenity rated a spoop 1 year ago
A downloadable spoop for Windows.

I have never loved a game more, I love the art and how you upgrade your skills. It's all amazing. if there had to be a "setback" it would be how easy it is to grind. But, I dont care about how easy it is. I just enjoy grinding and thats why I love this game so much.

Velvet172 rated a spoop 1 year ago
A downloadable spoop for Windows.

Brilliant, engaging, touching and most of to play

i will definitely support the project and raccomand it to my friends. 

dani4the6 rated a spoop 1 year ago
A downloadable spoop for Windows.
A downloadable spoop for Windows.
Fhazo rated a spoop 1 year ago
A downloadable spoop for Windows.
lazybearzlol rated a spoop 1 year ago
A downloadable spoop for Windows.
A downloadable spoop for Windows.
underfel rated a spoop 1 year ago
A downloadable spoop for Windows.
strawberria rated a spoop 1 year ago
A downloadable spoop for Windows.

this was so cute, love the visuals, the ending got me teary a bit

Deceilio rated a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android.
A downloadable spoop for Windows.
jinsae rated a spoop 1 year ago
A downloadable spoop for Windows.
yeouja rated a spoop 1 year ago
A downloadable spoop for Windows.
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