Play game
The Timeless Winter's pageTeam Name
Avi Choksi
Gameplay Instructions
WASD to move
Left ctrl to sprint
Space to jump
Left shift to pass time
Left mouse to attack
Right mouse to special attack
Q to transform
E to interact
Shift ESC to pause
Special moves:
Full yellow gives high speed and small projectiles
Full blue gives medium speed and damage with blade projectiles
Full red gives high damage with blade projectiles
What platform is your game built for?
List any content that was created before the jam that was included in the final submission.
Soundeffects from
Music from
Fire particles, ice effect blueprint, fire sounds, and wind sounds from Particle Effects sample project
Attack effects from Advanced Magic FX 12 and 13 by Kakky
Rocks, fence, and all textures from Quixel megascans and mixer
UE4 Game Jam Toolkit by Tom Shannon
Link to Gameplay Footage
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