Play game
Last Day In the Park's pageTeam Name
Duck Dog
Gameplay Instructions
This is a game of the Oculus Rift - You can play in seated or standing VR.
If your view is wrong, open the menu and select"Reset View"
If you can't reach an item, turn on the beam display using "B" on the motion controller and press A to grab.
General Controls:
Oculus Motion Controller:
Grab Left/Right - Grip Left/Right
Select [Use this to select a mini game from the floating icons and also get out of reach items]- Right A Button
Look Left/Right - Oculus Controller
Pause - Left Motion Controller Pause Button
Toggle Laser Pointer - Right B Button
Mini Game Controls
Move Forward - Right/Left Motion Controller Trigger
Move Back - Right/Left Motion Controller Thumb stick
To steer - Grab the handlebars with one hand and move
Whistle Jump - Right Motion Controller Trigger
Whistle Move to Spot - Right A Button
What platform is your game built for?
List any content that was created before the jam that was included in the final submission.
All of the sound effects in the game came from Soundly, with the exception of the intro song that plays during the story, which is:
“Peaceful Evening”
by Eric Matyas
The Vehicle template was also used and modified.
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