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Flipside's pageTeam Name
Jeremy Jones
Gameplay Instructions
Controls (Gamepad recommended):
Steering: Left Thumbstick or Mouse
Throttle: A/B Buttons or W/S Keys
Roll: Right Thumbstick or Q/E Keys
Toggle Mouse Steer: Backslash or Numberpad .
Lateral Thrust: A/D Keys
Fire Blasters: Right Trigger or Left Mouse Button
Main Menu: Escape
Link to Gameplay Footage
What platform is your game built for?
List any content that was created before the jam that was included in the final submission.
The Advanced Space Shader by Skull (for backdrops)
SixDOF Movement plugin by Mookie (flight dynamics)
Bullet Impact Sounds by Gamemaster Audio
Futuristic Guns Sound FX Pack 2 by David Dumais
POLYGON - Sci-fi Space Pack by Synty Studios (with custom normal maps and materials)
Sci-Fi Machinery by Rene Breitbarth
Interface Sounds, Futuristic Computer Beeps, Bleeps & Buttons by Sound Response
Too Many Crosshairs by Clean Shirt Labs
Turret tracking code imported from previous project...
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