Play game
Down to Earth Consultancy VR's pageTeam Name
Murat Karakaş (Coding Ape)
Gameplay Instructions
How to Play:
Your clients will give a speech about themselves.
You will decide how to confront them.
1-You can give a friendly advice.
2- You can slap the reality in their faces.
They will react to your choice.
After listening your client, select a prop that represent your choice and throw at your client.
If you stuck or cannot find right prop, try to reset. Because maybe you throw it to any other client.
Hold your hand on the CALL NEXT Button and press TRIGGER Button to Call your Client
Use Touchpad to teleport in your office.
Use GRIP Button to grap and object.
When you release GRIP button, object will be released too.
Hold your hand on the RESET Button and press TRIGGER Button to Restart game.
What platform is your game built for?
List any content that was created before the jam that was included in the final submission.
SteamVR Plugin.
SteamVR Hand Mesh, Skeletal Mesh, Hand Animations and SteamVR Ground Material
Space Cat model is made by a friend of mine before the jam.
Ring sound and ambient sound are from Soundly.
Link to Gameplay Footage
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