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A jam submission

Critical MassView game page

Roll over objects smaller than you to get bigger
Submitted by jamesnyevrguy, SparkyMcSparks (@SparkyMcSparks) — 7 hours, 33 minutes before the deadline
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Critical Mass's page

Team Name
The Unrealists

Gameplay Instructions
Play in VR or Non VR, use the keyboard mouse or thumbpad / joystick on your VR controller to move in the direction you're looking.

Consume objects smaller than you to grow and reach Critical Mass

What platform is your game built for?


List any content that was created before the jam that was included in the final submission.
VR Expansion Plugin

Link to Gameplay Footage

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I can't see any shit through those trash.........

it block my eyes....

hope you guys notice it.....


thats kinda the point

for the mid game you have to manage how you stack items to your player

I see what you mean ,but can you just use the lenses to avoid this things happened,and I'm sorry about the F-words.Thank you for making this funny game.