Play game
Ground Control's pageTeam Name
Naughty Cat
Gameplay Instructions
Make sure to have Steam open and signed in.
Make sure both players are either in the same room or able to talk to each other
Third Person Player:
WASD - Move
Left Click - Fire fire extniguiser
F - Pickup / Drop Grabbed Item / Interact
Escape - In Game Menu
First Person Player:
Mouse - Look Around
Escape - In Game Menu
What platform is your game built for?
List any content that was created before the jam that was included in the final submission.
Premade Content:
For Fog:
Texture - effect 1
Texture - effect 2
Font - White Rabbit
Sound Libraries:
Logic Pro X
Boesendorfer Grand Piano
Test Oscillator
Quantum Leap EastWest
Symphonic Choirs
Symphonic Orchestra
The Dark Side
BT Twisted Textures
Sculpture Modelling Synth
EFM1 FM Synth
Link to Gameplay Footage
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