Play game
Omvorm's pageTeam Name
4MB Interactive
Gameplay Instructions
A & D /Left Thumbstick - Move Left or Right
Arrow Keys/GamePad Buttons - Transform
Space/Right Trigger - Speed up approaching wall
P/Special Right - Pause
Line up your shape in the correct lane, transform to match the approaching shape. The quicker you do it, the more points you score so make use or R/Space to speed up the approaching wall. Powerups give you extra points, lives or slow the walls. That's it! Game is over when you die.
Link to Gameplay Footage
List any content that was created before the jam that was included in the final submission.
Almost everything in the game was created for the jam or is part of existing engine content which was built upon. The Spark/Transform effect is modified from the Starter Content.
Music was written by my brother Harry.
The exceptions are the SFX which were taken from (all Public Domain) and modified.
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