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  • 4th poem: The Road Not Taken (Robert Frost)

    Theme #4 will be... The Road Not Taken (Robert Frost) I read this poem for the first time in English class in school when I was a teenager, and it was strangely memorable... and then over a decade later, I still remembered it, not as anything particularly amazing, but as a well-known poem that I knew, too. Then, pretty recently, I happened upon a self-described POEM GUIDE for it which revealed tha

  • 8th poem: Lady Vengeance (Matthew Lacker, Smell Review)

    Theme #8 will be... Oh no. Now I have to transcribe this one. Very clear white floral smell. Almost dusty. I say white flower because it reminds me specifically of a flower bush on the way to the Jamaican restaurant near me. There is another smell that reminds me of a fancy hotel or ugly furniture with ornate wooden legs. The kind of wealth that is very outdated and unappealing now. This smell fee

  • 1st poem: 'A Tuna Salad Sandwich' (Isto)

    Theme #1 will be... I've transcribed the full lyrics of this song below for your convenience: Well, I think I'm gonna make me a tuna salad sandwich The tuna tastes so great with the celery And when it goes with the mayo and the lettuce That tuna taste, so savoury Tuna is high in protein but oh so low in calories Low in fat Low in cholesterol Tuna is the thing for me Sometimes dolphins get caught i

  • 6th poem: 'TUNAFISH SANDWICH PIECE' (Yoko Ono, Grapfruit)

    Theme #6 will be... TUNAFISH SANDWICH PIECE (from Yoko Ono's Grapefruit: A Book of Instructions and Drawings) Imagine one thousand suns in the sky at the same time. Let them shine for one hour. Then, let them gradually melt into the sky. Make one tunafish sandwich and eat. 1964 spring I don't know if I'm allowed to transcribe a piece of writing that I have access to on a public forum, but what's t

  • 3rd poem: You or Someone Like You (Matthew Lacker, Smell Review)

    Theme #3 will be... Transcribed: Very flowery and sort of fresh linens-y. Another sharper smell I can't really explain, almost a sharp soap? Mild old lady vibes but not in a bad way. Very clean, very bright spring vibes. Reminds me of chambray buttons ups and commuting in the evening when daylight savings changes so you get out of work in the daylight I don't know if it's "me" but I find it very c

  • 2nd poem: '古池や蛙飛びこむ水の音' (松尾芭蕉)

    Theme #2 will be this haiku, by Matsuo Bashō: 古池や 蛙飛び込む 水の音 I don't expect it to mean anything to you in this format, though! It means nothing to me in this format. Assuming you can't read it in its original language, please use these "thirty-two translations and one commentary" [ ] to come to some understanding of it, or any other resource

  • 5th poem: The Tiger (Nael)

    Theme #5 will be... The tiger He destroyed his cage Yes YES The tiger is out I will be taking a short break after this, and resume posting themes #6-10 later in the month! Please enjoy the final poem of the first half, The Tiger . You might have seen it before, on The Internet? I look forward to everyone's games about the tiger and freedom. droqen

  • 7th poem: 'Missing a kick[..]' (Jack Kerouac)

    Theme #7 will be... Missing a kick at the icebox door It closed anyway This notable 'contemporary haiku' by Jack Kerouac mirrors #2's notably non-contemporary haiku. I like this form! A different Jack, as in my fellow letterclubber Jack, introduced me to both the contemporary haiku form as well as this poet as well as this poem specifically. Enjoy. Oh, and please remember you don't have to make a

  • 10th poem:

    Theme #10 will be... . . . If you're on your 10th game (will anyone get here?), I'd like you to write a poem, or find an old poem that you (or someone you know) has written and use it. This is of course a lovely mirror to #5's poem written by a child. Anyone can write a poem! This isn't a race, the first poem posted here won't become the theme for everyone , but please feel free to post it here wh

  • 9th poem: Jabberwocky (Lewis Carroll)

    Theme #9 will be... Jabberwocky (Lewis Carroll) Somehow, this poem feels like a good flipside to #4's The Road Not Taken. Perhaps it's just the classicness of them both. As always, the full text below: ’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe: All mimsy were the borogoves, And the mome raths outgrabe. “Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that cat