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felixqui's Collection

a collection by felixqui · last updated 2023-11-10 03:14:14
a GM-full roleplaying game inspired by Itras by
24XX hack of nameless gunslingers caught between two gangs in an otherworldy Western setting
sad trans angels on a road trip in a fascist dystopia
Osseous but simpler, if you can imagine such a thing. An FKR inspired take on the 2d6 system.
A gothic horror themed 24XX hack
A series of modular 24XX games inspired by the nineteenth century.
24XX hack with Film Noir Aesthetic
Lord of the Flies meets the Breakfast Club
A 24XX game about a hotel in the Hollywood Underhills.
Materials helpful for running the Ultraviolet Grasslands as a roleplaying game.
A business card game made for 12 Word RPG Jam
Simple, quick, dungeon-crawling action
Something's wrong with the world and I don't know what it is.
One page, one-shot, easily hackable rpg
Swashbuckling, steampunk anime adventure
A solo journaling game of perseverance in the face of certain doom.
24XX roleplaying now on a business card!
Two RPG microgames about inevitability and the stars
An original steampunk game by EfanGamez
A cinematic TTRPG inspired by old school action figures and punching Nazis in the face.
Create your own bad spaceship
A Rules Light, Occultech Horror Science-Fantasy RPG
A game of transgender sky pirates in the 22nd century
a slice-of-life game of fallen angels and Belonging Outside Belonging
An adventure for Electric Bastionland
​A narrative sword and sorcery TTRPG about women making a difference in a barbaric world.
Free, rules-lite, easy to learn, fast-paced, and universal d20 tabletop roleplaying game system.
A deck of 50 single-card RPGs from dozens of different creators
Tiny Tome
A book of 50 single-page RPGs from dozens of different creators.
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