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Time To Get A Heart MonitorPage 3

Ah yes, here we are. For a scaredy cat I sure love to torture myself-- I did say I am interested in yandere visual novels but I am also interested in creepy games where I don't move so I'm stuck in one place, that way I won't feel the need to scream if I have to move a millimeter. Believe me, I can scream just from moving one inch  o(TヘTo)

Other than that, don't expect too much horror here, if I did play one I'm pretty sure I'd full on die. That or I'd quit midway because my own heart can't handle the stress of whatever monstrosity I decided to foolishly play.... ( ノ ゚ー゚)ノ

I've also belatedly put in which games are for 18+ and which may be for 16+ with content warnings since I completely forgot to do it. Admittedly I didn't think anyone would check out but with the amount of times I've unknowingly spammed people who follow me with my activity, I thought I should wise up and give the appropriate warning, especially for minors.

A biological romance horror visual novel
Visual Novel

This Visual Novel doesn't specify whether or not this is for 18+ audience, but based on my gameplay I can roughly guess... 17+? There are content warnings such as: body horror and tokophobia (fear of pregnancy), flashing lights, animated effects, and vivid colors which may not be suitable for some players. For the animations, you can toggle it off in the Preferences. These were taken directly from the game and page. Please be advised and play at your own risk.


My god is this a beautiful and unique piece of work. I pretty much gushed about it in my comments. 

Aside from the beautiful artwork, I was genuinely intrigued by the unique premise of the amoeba being a yandere and the story surrounding it. It's my first time seeing it done and boy, it was done very well. You could really feel the helplessness and sense of urgency in the 10 days that were given, not only that but the way the plot is built and structured is seriously good and leaves you no questions about any holes it may have. The only questions I have are at the endings because I'm curious to see what happens to our MC at the end of each ending.

Also, from past comments, there is difficulty getting an ending so there is a guide for your help. I honestly used it to get the "good" ending but I didn't want to complete it because I'm very happy with the ending I have. But genuinely, it's great and I'm really happy I played it.

There's a big theme on "family" and how it is far different to both Marlowe, that being our MC, and Niall, that being the yandere parasite. The plot makes good use on it and depending on how you choose your choices, Marlowe is pretty smart and quick thinking. She's seriously an MVP and deserves years of therapy to get back to her feet. I'm so curious to see this universe expand because is Niall and outlier in having intelligence and wanting a "family" or this a sort of species thing? The world-building is what I really like because it's similar to ours but the existence of these parasites makes it more interesting and downright sinister.

Highly recommend to play this! Was worth the time I put in!

Fall in love with a yandere Santa Claus!
Visual Novel

This Visual Novel doesn't explicitly state whether or not it's for 18+ audience, but here are the content warnings to be careful of: mild violence, paranoid love, and mild horror. These were taken directly from the game and page, it's just the demo so there may be additional changes. Please be advised and play at your own risk.


This was a really interesting yandere visual novel! 

At first, it plays like the standard visual novel we all know and love (assuming you play or are fond of the idea of the yandere archetype). There are even "clues" that point to our beloved Albert being one, and it doesn't help that Albert himself is also enabling this.

But at the very end (well, in my gameplay) there comes a twist where you begin to question which one actually did it that sparked the urban legend. Both of them have a murky past, and since we play as the MC we have such an unreliable narrator that works in favor of keeping our interest in, because MC isn't just a passerby spectating the story before we control them. MC actually made an impact and that impact is something we (hopefully) get to uncover.

I'm just really hyped up about it because mostly, MCs are the boring blank slate ones where we project ourselves on to and the only interesting ones are the other characters that we interact with. But here, it's legitimately a reverse. Albert is your typical rich easy-going possessive yandere, the type we are all aware of because of how often it's used. And from the start, it maintains itself with MC and Albert playing the role we all know, only at the end does it feel like the roles are reversed or tipped on one favor. 

It may not all be one-sided like how often some yandere visual novels are. And I'm excited to see just how much our own MC doesn't even know about herself.

Day 1 and Intro
Visual Novel

This Visual Novel is intended for 18+ audience for it's content warnings such as: erotic horror, mental health which focuses on pyschotic delusions and schizophrenic episodes, grotesque death, intense gore, and violent sexual themes. These warnings were taken directly from the start of the game. Please be advised, only play when you're the intended age, and play at your own risk.


As of now, it only has 2 days technically, a prologue and Day 1. So far there isn't much in terms of the horror but I firmly believe they're being in the works. So far, the art is seriously good but also the effects that have been used are seriously well placed. There is one jump scare but nothing too awful. It's pretty simple but the art and story helps keep it forward, it also has limited save files which really forces you to stop and think. Be mindful of its warnings though but other than that I enjoyed it!

The story itself is pretty interesting, it doesn't really center towards a "yandere" because literally everyone is dangerous within their own right. They also introduce a bunch of characters that seem to have significant impact on the story so it doesn't focus on one character. The story is lowkey but in its subtleness the scares can come out of nowhere, or it's being drawn out and you know it's coming so you're bracing for it to happen. It's really good at the latter part which makes it quite intense, I'm very much curious about the full game because the demo itself is already promising.

It has a side game focused on the LI which is "LIU" made by the same creator.

Will you find a way to restart your heart?
Visual Novel

This Visual Novel is intended for 18+ audience with content warnings such as: strong language, sexual content, unsettling themes, cheating, non-player pregnancy, kidnapping, gaslighting, stalking, blackmail, emotional manipulation, 4th wall breaks, intentional glitching, after-effects of emotional abuse, and death. These were taken directly from the start up screen of the game.  Please be advised, only play when you're the intended age, and play at your own risk.


I've had this stocked up in my collection for a while now but I'm really glad I finally got my lazy ass up and played this game! It has a really cool game interface thingy design, the GUI? The background art is pretty simplistic and I kinda wish it'd be a bit better but the character sprite makes up for it, I really love how different and diverse they all are from one another and how, despite their different personalities they mesh well with one another.

There are some NSFW (sexual kind) themes but thankfully, when you do reject these instances the characters are completely chill about it and continue to treat you well, I'm not sure why I had that thought but it may be because of past games but I can't be too sure. The yandere-ness is actually slow paced from what I experienced through my gameplay and it's subtle to say the least. To be honest, if I hadn't lurked through the creator's tumblr I would have never known who the stalker was and isn't that some great hidden character.

Aside from that, I just like how despite it being a yandere visual novel, the yandere itself is lowkey and stealthy, so instead we become attached and sympathize with the MC and begin to explore the vast characters within the world itself. I love how we get to immerse ourselves within the world but how we also have extra knowledge that our poor MC doesn't know themselves. Looking forward to how things progress~!

Would you risk living together with a stranger in an isolated cabin to avoid the freezing cold?
Visual Novel

This Visual Novel is intended for 17+ audience, though it does not contain any nudity or NSFW content, it has content warnings such as: strong language, emotional abuse (manipulation, isolation), depictions of blood, shaking screen, implications of MC being overworked & harassed at their job, and may contain more in the full-version. These were taken directly from the game page.  Please be advised, only play when you're the intended age, and play at your own risk.


If red flag, why wonderful writing that lowers your guard and makes you forget that this is an actual yandere visual novel with themes of yandere shenanigans and violence????

I was so blindsided by how good the writing is-- Not that I was assuming that the writing was any bad! I just didn't expect how well established the relationship is between the MC and Crowe (I'm basing it off of my own gameplay and the choices that have shaped my MC's personality). I think other yandere visual novels I've played have either MC and the Yandere having an established relationship (whether it's romantic or platonic) while the other one is just MC being introduced to the Yandere and having a shaky relationship that can either make or break. 

But the MC and Yandere here, being Crowe, actually do have a relationship that they establish and you guys become friends (though one seems keen on either becoming more or something), and the banter and talks are so natural and charming that you get swept off that you can momentarly forget what Crowe actually is, or that may be me because I'm seriously cozy with this writing, absolutely love it.

Really looking forward to the remaining days! As of now we got the prologue, day 1 and 2 out of 7 days! Or well, I'm assuming it'll last for 7 days due to the reference in plot ahahaha, other than that, really enjoyed this one!


YA'LL IT GOT UPDATED AND WE GOT MORE CROWE CONTENTTTTT! There is an added two days and within those two days, while you get the fluffiness from the first two days, the later time shares you having a strained relationship with Crowe because well... You need to go home and well, someone doesn't want to... The climax is almost reaching and I'm HELLA excited for the ride!

Amy is invited to a chat room by past classmates in the middle of the night.
Visual Novel
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This Visual Novel does not explicitly state in the game description that this game is for 18+ but please bear in mind the content warnings such as: disturbing themes, mentioned violence, mentioned death and murder, mentioned cannibalism and gore, and unsettling sound effects. These content warnings were taken from my gameplay of this game, please be advised with these warnings and play at your own risk.


This was hell of a lot of immersion. I didn't see that twist coming by a milestone. I was sufficiently spooked out by the progression. Don't wanna spoil anything because I think I've somewhat spoiled it by listing out the content warnings. So unless you can handle it, highly recommend to play it because it is a damn good experience and nails the atmopsheric horror without showing or relying on cheap tricks.

A girl searching for her mommy in a haunted house..
Visual Novel

This Visual Novel doesn't explicity state whether or not it's for 18+ audience but from what I've played through, it looks to be for 16+ due to themes such as: cult themes, blood, violence, implied children death, and general horror shenanigans. This was taken from my own playthrough, be advised, and play at your own risk.


The scaredy cat strikes again! This time I have no idea on god's green thumb WHY I decided to play a horror/creepy visual novel after having a pretty tiring day. University's kicking my ass and it's only just my first term so woof, anyway, back to this visual novel. It's a pretty simple one, and I'm sure it isn't that scary but gimme a break! It's been like, what, weeks since I last played a visual novel? Safe to say I was very much spooked to the high heavens with this. 

Though it only is regarding the first few mins of this visual novel, and depending on what ending you get, the scare factor slowly slows down and you get to be able to unravel bits and pieces of the plot. I'm very much curious at the plot and have my own theories surrounding it, but I'm not gonna spoil anything so I encourage you to try out playing this visual novel!

is this person my friend...?
Visual Novel
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This Visual Novel doesn't explicity state whether or not it's for 18+ audience but from what I've played through, it looks to be for 16+ due to themes such as: religious context, blood, mild gore, self-deprecation, and mentioned violence. Admittedly I only got it through my own playthrough so I don't know if it's completely accurate given how I've become used to certain themes, but even so, please be advised.


Well dang, this is a mindfuck of a visual novel.

I have absolutely no idea what's happening, like, I thought I knew what was happening but evidently I do not given the new context, clues, and storie that are being presented with each loop you start with the visual novel.

The premise is so interesting, and the MC is so mysterious that even they do not know who they are other than self-deprecating things they've thought of about themselves. Not only that, but the characters that inhabit the world are also very interesting, especially with how they interact with MC who seems to have retrograde amnesia (I'm not really sure about this so please take it with a grain of salt) since they consistently begin to lose their memories moments later but able to recall certain skills or actions. Not only that, but the plot itself is intriguing and the looping dialogue only makes it more stark when new dialogue is formed since every playthrough is connected to one another.

But most of all, I'm very curious about MC's friend. It seems as though he is equally as mysterious as MC is, but doesn't seem to be too much of a malevolent person as he genuinely does care for MC. There's a history between them, and one that seems to go beyond MC's friend. 

It's such a curious little visual novel that I'm very keen on knowing if there anything new coming from it because the story ends on SUCH a cliffhanger!

Who is MC really? What happened to the world? What are MC's connections towards the various NPCs? Who is the friend? And just what is going on with MC's friend and them??

Your best Friend has come to take you to work! Lucky you!
Visual Novel

This Visual Novel is for 18+ audience for its content warnings such as: jumpscare, mature themes (such as the sexual kind), general yandere shenanigans, and other warnings that have not been stated in the game description but explained in the beginning in the game. Please be advised, only play when you're the intended age, and play at your own risk.


This is a really great demo! It already has 3 endings and I am biased to say that I got the goodest ending you can get! Because I am a simp for this chronically tired looking aniem golden haired weird nightmare  (?) yandere... Why must we discuss this. 

But either way, just know that this is for 18+ audience (actually why am I saying this, this collection is pretty much for 18+ people, hm, maybe 16+ without all the erotic stuff but most of these games in this collection do feature some amount of erotic-ness, eh, 18+ either way). And though I haven't seen any gore or super unsettling things in my playthrough, I was very much spooked at the beginning as well as the little hints of unease that plagues even through my playthrough. The art is also really nice, especially the backgrounds I could get lost in it, Friend's design is also pretty unique, like,  I couldn't take my eyes off of him even if I wanted to (pls get some rest Friend, your eyebags looks like they're about to have another set of eyebags, which is amazing and horrifying).

It is still a demo so there will be updates about it! When it does update, I'll put a little edit down below to talk about the new changes. I'll be doing this with all my other games just to let other people know and become aware if you're ever interested~!

Find a job with the help of a mary sue...who might be out for blood...and gay...
Visual Novel
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This Visual Novel is for 18+ audience for its content warning such as: heavy descriptions and graphic imagery of gore (blood, organs, body horror, guns, eye trauma, etc.), eyestrain, swearing, and some nsfw jokes. please play at your own discretion! its not super suitable for a young audience.... This is taken directly from the game page, please be advised, only play when you're the intended age, and play at your own risk.



Maybe also a brain surgeon?

I-- I don't know what to say about myself. I was agonizing over where to put this because on one hand, I thought I would put it in "I'm Busting A Lung From This" but I was pretty much sitting there with abject horror over what the fuck is going on and on the other hand, it left too much of an impression on me to fully put it in "Random Simple Games"...

The gore is pretty cool though... Shocking as it comes but also like, the randomness and weirdness is a strong contendor... I really need to find my braincells.

babe wake up your counselor got replaced by your stalker
Visual Novel

This Visual Novel does not explicitly state in the game description that this game is for 18+ but please bear in mind the content warnings such as: stalking, kidnapping, blood & bruises, implied yandere, and murder via suffocation. These content warnings were taken directly from the game description, please be advised with these warnings and play at your own risk.


Finally, another yandere visual novel! It's a short but complete one with an interesting yandere! I've seen a few yanderes (I am not a yandere connoisseur) but I've never seen a yandere who had the absolute balls to fake being a counselor. The MC is also pretty level headed as they're genuinely freaked out by Morgan (the yandere) but it appears as though Morgan doesn't seem likely to kill MC and instead wants to pamper them. Highly recommend to try it out because there's a sequel in the works and I'm excited for it~!

Aaaaa the prequel to this Visual Novel is out now! Over here "Lucky Day"!

You stop to help a Hitchhiker. The encounter is a deadly one.
Visual Novel

This Visual Novel is for 18+ audience for its content warnings such as: violence, blood, mature themes (of the sexual kind), murder, attempted murder, religious themes (though it isn't the main focal), and other sensitive topics that will be covered in the full game. These contents warnings were taken from my own experiences playing the game and exploring the routes. Please be advised with these warnings, only play when you're the intended age, and play at your own risk.


Sufficiently spooked by this, please read the content warnings about it because I did and I still got surprised and spooked! It took a different approach from the usual yanderes where, instead of him showing his affectionate/stalking/obsessive front you get the blade instead :D. Well actually, the development of the LI's feelings (Adam) actually starts really late if you've played your cards right, and even then you question whether or not poor MC will make it out... It's a truly interesting visual novel that took me by surprise but I was pleasantly amazed by this, please do heed the warnings and be prepared!

a conversation over dinner.
Visual Novel

It isn't stated on the game description whether or not the game is intended for 18+ but here are the content warnings: CONTAINS THEMES OF VIOLENCE, KIDNAPPING, SUICIDE, AND OBSESSION. These content warnings are taken directly from the game description, please be advised and play at your own risk.


There's not much horror going on here but honestly there's an eerie atmosphere, especially with how Aeron talks as though what they're doing isn't wrong (well, they are a demon so yeah). Despite it being short, it's honestly interesting and it makes you want more of it. 

Short point and click Horror vn about a girl trapped in an abnormal corridor full of doors.
Visual Novel

It isn't stated on the game description whether it's for 18+ audience but in my understanding this can be viewed as 16+ as these are the content warnings: blood, corpses, disturbing imagery, and a little bit of sarcasm. These content warnings were taken directly from the game description. Read a bit through other people's comments, my own, the game description, and the blurbs written for it before deciding to play.


This is truly a slowburn of horror, almost like a lovecraftian horror. Nothing surprising comes at you but the madness of waiting and waiting for something to happen eventually scares you yourself. But there are also small hidden things within the corridors, as well as a plot about what's going on with the MC that even she doesn't know. It's a great horror visual novel that doesn't rely on shock factors or jumpscares, and the music is frustratingly calm/peaceful and stays that way even when you see some concerning things.

A completely normal commercial
Visual Novel
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It isn't stated on the game description whether or not this game is intended for the 18+ audience but here are the content warnings: cultish behavior, supernatural themes, and eerieness. The content warnings are taken through my own experiences playing with it. There is nothing fully violent or blood thirsty about it but please be advised and play at your own risk.


I wasn't actually scared by this more like... disturbed. It truly gave off such eerie vibes with not only the well done voice acting but also the art. She only has a smiling face yet the range of emotions on it was amazing. It isn't a horror visual novel in a sense, but an off-putting, unnerving one that I'm getting inspired from. Highly recommend to try, it's pretty short and under 1k words, but it has a nice plot to accomodate with the other things!

After purchasing an antique mirror, Ivy finds herself playing a strange game.
Visual Novel

It isn't explicitly stated on the game description as an 18+ game but many of these content warnings contain mature and sensitive themes such as: contains strong language, descriptions of gore and murder, mentions of suicide, and drug use. These content warnings are taken directly from the game description, please be advised and play at your own risk.


I would've put this in my Random Simple Games but there was a certain tense aura while playing it, even though it had just one sprite! There was a lot of cool transition that help keep it interesting, especially with alternating between MC/Ivy and the ghost. The plot was interesting, especially with how the two characters are able to connect with one another in horrifying ways. But do heed the warnings that are written on the game page and in the game so that you won't be triggered when it could easily be avoided! thicker than water of the womb
Visual Novel
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It doesn't explicitly state on the game description whether or not this game is for 18+ audience but here are the content warnings such as: unhealthy relationships, stalking, harassment, attempted suicide. These content warnings were taken from the game description, please be advised and play at your own risk.


God dang was this such an interesting visual novel! It's really short but in that short moments we see a lot of what happened to poor MC and how fucked up they are, there's also mystery behind it with that plot twist, oh boy that plot twist. It makes me question who truly is the perpetrator here (though I knwo it's not MC, I mean, they had a sad reason on why they've become like that, at the very least they did nothing extreme) but also I'm very curious about Asher and what their thought process is, how do they truly view MC? Aaaa I really hope we learn more about them because this truly changes the formula of the yandere characters!

A horror visual novel... Or is it?
Visual Novel

It's not really a horror game but there is your typical horror shenanigans, jumpscares, hints of violence, and supernatural themes. 


This really doesn't belong here that much but since 1, I didn't have a proper collection for it and I'm not gonna bust my ass to make a new one and probably have like... 2-3 games in it but also 2, it genuinely does start out as your typical horror visual novel, if not a bit cliche. The MC is honestly a breath of fresh air and he's quite entertaining, and the plot isn't always as it seems. It has cool programming gimicks (but it's coming from me who probably hasn't experienced a lot of cool visual novels, but this truly was fun). Also, it has good scares and plays out well, highly recommend playing this!

A game about buying a house.
Visual Novel

It doesn't explicitly state on the game description whether or not this game is for 18+ audience but with its content warnings it can be infered for that, here are the content warnings: Surreal and unsettling visuals, dreamlike atmosphere, realtors, houses, digestion, large predator, staring, unsettling smiles, needy sellers, hungry houses, cafes, businesses, business men and seemingly normal neighborhoods. These content warnings are taken directly from the game descriptions, please be advised and play at your own risk.


It's part of the Uncanny Valley series where you'll find John Doe (+) part of it! It serves as a prequel and introduces You (that is the MC's canon name lmao) arriving at your new place, Uncanny Valley, and how John Doe literally fell in love with you (though you can only see it in one endings). Similarly to the other game, it's pretty short but getting the endings can be tough (take it from me) so you'll really need to experiment and stuff. Also, the skip button will be your best friend. It's a really interesting game just like John Doe (+) and lets you glimpse in a whole new perspective or adds in nuggets of world building!

Change Will Come
Visual Novel

This Visual Novel is for 18+ audience, not only in its nature, plot, but also in content warnings such as: graphic depictions of kidnapping, breaking in, non-consensual drugging, mention of drugs, mentions of severe violence, school fights, death, gunshots, stalking, abuse and manipulation. These content warnings are taken directly from the game description, please be advised, only play when you're the intended age, and play at your own risk.


Jesus christ this is a seriously great yandere visual novel. There's more than 2 yanderes on the prowl and they all work cohesively well with a few wrenches thrown in there. It's seriously great and the MC isn't just a naive person, they can also snap back and react so heartbreakingly tragic to the events unfolding all around them. I seriously recommend playing it as it truly is a great visual novel, and completely free with a walkthrough to boot! Admittedly I did see a comment about how the walkthrough can be vague and a but hard to understand, which I'd consider but seeing as how I'm kinda still playing it in order to achieve all the endings, it's worth looking out for! The yanderes are all fucked up in so many ways, molded by their circumstances and once you think they can be "redeemed" they hit you with their unhinged actions making you backtrack and lose all pity points you might have. Also, the MC can truly make the endings all worth it depending on what choices you choose, even MC can snap. Such a fun horrifying visual novel, highly recommend!!!

Your friend's gone missing. You're out to find out what happened to them.
Visual Novel

This game doesn't explicitly state on the game description whether or not it's for 18+ audience but in my experience playing it, it feels like it'll be for 16+. Just because it's short doesn't mean there aren't any content warnings such as: kidnapping, implied murder, general yandere shenanigans, and blood. Please be advised and play at your own risk.


It's quite a short visual novel with not a lot of typical horror elements implemented on. It starts off at the very end with the yandere appearing to have gotten his goal and we start off by doing our best to find out what happens. Due to the time constraint we don't really get to see what happens in greater detail but honestly it doesn't take much to figure out what is happening. Great little visual novel though!

A Game of Morals and guilt! How would you deal with your sociopath boyfriend!
Visual Novel

It doesn't explicitly state on the game description that it's for 18+ audience but based on the gameplay and warnings it is for 18+, there is only one content warning: heavy gore, which is inivetible to get since there are only 2 endings and both of them feature heavy gore. These were taken from the game's description, be advised, only play when you're the intended age, and play at your own risk.


It's pretty simple and the reason why I put it here in this collection is because of the gore. It's not super detailed but still a disturbing sight. Also it's quite a quick little demo with only 2 endings so far in the game. The visuals are a little off-putting despite it not supposed to be off-putting but eventually you become used to it. It also is quite fast paced and doesn't take much time to finish.

It runs in the family.
Visual Novel

This Visual Novel is intended for 18+ audience with content warnings such as: contains strong language, blood/gore, flashing lights, mentions of suicide, and loud sounds. These are taken directly from the game description, please be advised, only play when you're the intended age, and play at your own risk.


It's technically a horror visual novel but honestly it's quite confusing. Not just in a plot perspective but also in a storytelling way on how they present the game as well as the mechanics of this game. Since it wasn't made in Renpy which is the typical way you create a visual novel, there are major limitations like there being no way to control the volume or the text speed, limited save files, and not being able to scroll back. The plot itself is confusing despite it keeping its core plot true and to be honest, it feels like the characters themselves don't match the setting they are given, even the killer in some of the endings. But those are just my thoughts, you are free to play it of course.

♡ esme is waiting for you ♡
Visual Novel

It isn't explicitly stated on the game description whether or not this game is intended for 18+ audience but due to the nature of the warnings, I believe it is for 18+. The content warnings are: blood, minor gore, knives, stalking, obsession, & sexual references. These content warnings are taken directly from the game description, please be advised, and play at your own risk.


This isn't much of a horror game but one that can be surprising, admittedly you can see the direction of the ending based on the flow of the story but its predictibality isn't that bad, in fact it quite works with this visual novel. There are hints wherein it seems as though Esme knows a bit more than she should but it doesn't really hinder anything at all. Also the way Esme is set up is interesting, it seems to acknowledge that Esme is just another stereotypical yandere but she does have her own selfish reason to be like this. The writing isn't that strong but it certainly has it's charm, but the ending cards are one I enjoyed most!

Date or Die trying!
Visual Novel

It doesn't explicitly state on the game description whether or not it's for 18+ audience in the game description, but due to the nature of the game it is intended for 18+ with content warnings such as: torture, kidnapping, and drugging. These warnings were taken directly from the game description, please be advised, and play at your own risk.


Do not be fooled by the aesthetic (oh who am I kidding, cute pastel is almost a staple in horror subculture now) because boy does this game not pull its punches at the very end. Of course there is no explicit gore but with the text implying it you can't help but wince at the torture poor MC is going through. Also, just one wrong option you click can totally derail the "best" ending you can get so unless you're super patient and taking notes, you can go in by yourself, but if you're tired of getting the same ending or just are too curious to see what the other ending is like, then a walkthrough is helpfully added for your viewing needs!

Do you remember Louie, the guy that lives with you? Do you?
Visual Novel

This Visual Novel is intended for 18+ audience with content warnings such as: body Horror, death, implied drug abuse, implied ableism, and verbal abuse. There are more content warnings however they tread spoiler territory, these are taken directly from the game description, please be advised, only play when you're the intended age, and play at your own risk.


It deserves to be here. I am not joking my heart palpitated so much I was about to keel over. I have so many theories on whatever the hell was going on. Read the content warnings and whatnot because this visual novel has fried the ever loving shit out of me. It's a good ass game and it goes hard on its genre, great visual novel that terrified me but also made me wanting to know answers despite it being vague as shit.

Or That Time I Got Locked in a Basement with Strangers at a Friend's Halloween Party​
Visual Novel

It doesn't explicitly state in the game description whether or not this game is intended for 18+ audience but with my admittedly limited playthrough and skimming through the ending guide, I can tentatively say it's for 16+ audience with content warnings such as: swearing, violence/gore depicted, death/bad ends, and eye trauma. These warnings were taken directly from the game description, please be advised, and play at your own risk.


At first I didn't even think this was a horror visual novel because of how lowkey everything was. I liked the story and how we can build our MC (tho I mostly did the nice option lmao) and I liked how MC talked about it! But I did not expect that ending, actually I kinda did because of the many hints the visual novel sprinkled yet even then I was caught off guard at the very end. The amount of endings are cool and really inspires you to reach for them but I'm content with my ending AHAHAHA

How exactly are you supposed to hunt ghosts?
Visual Novel

It doesn't explicitly state in the game description whether or not this game is intended for 18+ audience but with my playthrough and exploration I infer this is for 16+ audience with content warnings such as: blood, and violence. These warnings were taken directly from the game description, please be advised, and play at your own risk.


It's not scary compared to the other games, but nearing the end if you choose another option you would begin a chase sequence that has a timer so that really made my heart beat twice as fast. But it's quite light hearted compared to the other games within this collection so this may be a sort of safe little game.

Survive a yandere stalker! (or don't)
Visual Novel

It doesn't explicitly state in the game description whether or not this game is intended for 18+ audience but with my playthrough I think it's intended for 18+, there's no sexual themes but it has pretty blatant violence (though not super detailed). These warnings were taken from my playthrough, please be advised, and play at your own risk.


Even for such a simple story it's quite well written in my point of view because I could feel the tenseness of the story despite me knowing how everything will play out, I still felt wary. Not only that I enjoyed getting the bad ending because there was an incentive to do so, it was fun because of that! It's also really great for being the first visual novel or renp'y game that they made!

This game is a Visual Novel adaptation of the WattPad book Infatuation by MaskCover.
Visual Novel

It doesn't explicity state in the game description whether or not this game is intended for 18+ audience, but from my playthrough and what I can remember there are themes of kidnapping, drugging, alcohol, general yandere shenanigans, violence, and implied murder. I am not completely sure about the other specific warnings but here is the general idea, please be advised, and play at your own risk.


So this is a rare one where it has both the demo and the full version out! I know I'm pretty late into this but I really like the demo, I love the MC as well as the other characters (though I'm biased because of MC's incredible humor and how relatable they are towards me). They also built up the multiple yandere characters and kind of showed how each yandere became infatuated with MC (though that is through my own opinion) and it can be quite unnerving especially when you're able to pick up the yandere behavior from the get go while all the others are left to stay ignorant. It also ends in a really great (though not great note for MC) note where it makes you want to play the full game to see what was happening!

The full game can be found here! "Infatuation", be warned that some of the endings are buggy based on the comments of the visual novel and from my own experience.

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