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Assets - Publishing and WritingPage 2

A stimulating writing environment

StimuWrite is a companion writing app for people who are neurodivergent, addicted to social media notifications, or would benefit from extra stimulation and feedback when they draft and take notes. While you write, StimuWrite provides visual feedback in the form of a progress bar and emoji that evolve as you hit your word count milestones. If the enviroment is still too calm for you to focus, you can add a video background to simulate being in a cafe or floating in space.

Templates for the Quests Over Coffee card game.
All the fonts fit to print.

It's a collection of almost 200 fonts which are all licensed in a way that lets anyone use them in projects, most with no strings attached. Some of these fonts are usually distributed without license information, so I've added that where relevant, taking it from the author's website and packaging it to travel with the font.

Create a little zine with live preview

Compulsively-impulsively made for The Great Troika! Pocket Sphere Jam.

See it live on Figma, or download a local copy below.

A simple, free blogging engine for everyone!
excessive footnotes / killing the author / woes in translation
An MS Word template for creating an A5 zine for Troika! content.
A gunmaking font with a steam-arcana-future bent.
Type up some rayguns and rockets!
Morse inspired typeface.
A set of logos for systemless tabletop rpgs
Submission for the System Neutral Logo Design Jam
A simple logo for your system-agnostic projects.
​A commission contract template with place-holder text that is easy to use and terms that are easy to understand.​
Tattoos + Fanzines! 🗒️
A customizable Code of Conduct both project owners and contributors can use in RPG projects
Inspired by the Lean Business Model Canvas to help you deconstruct your game idea into necessary parts.
Empty your brain
Grunge Style Script Typeface (.ttf, .otf)
Template for formatting fan playbooks in Affinity Publisher
Affinity Data Merge example with Dicier utility font
a budgeting tool for TTRPG and LARP Kickstarters
How Might You Help Your Graphic Artists Capture the Heart of Your a Single Image?
One page of handy links for first-time designers.
Some tips on tricks on how to create your TTRPG, as well as some useful resources
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