Welcome to the official guide for the various endings of 'Keepers of Astraela'!
With Bobbi's route is still underway, the full version of the game currently has 8 endings: 1 Good, 1 True, 2 Neutral, 4 Bad. Let's dive in on how to get them all.
The Bad Ends:
Bad End 1: This end happens while still in the common route, on Earth.
Bad End 2: This one happens towards the middle of the game, when Eva is left alone at the Sanctum and is in possession of Thana's Runestone BUT does not have enough "darkness points", a hidden game mechanic, to progress. See Bad End 4 for a list of the choices that give darkness points, and avoid them. Ensure when visiting Faeran that Eva has the option to take Thana's Runestone, and chooses to do so.
Bad End 3: The one happens at a similar point in the game as Bad End 2. This ending can only occur if Eva is NOT in possession of Thana's Runestone AND visited Faeran. See Bad End 4 for a list of the choices that give darkness points, and avoid them. Ensure when visiting Faeran that Eva has the option to take Thana's Runestone, and chooses not to. From this point forward, there's only a few choices to make.
Bad End 4: The fourth bad end happens close to the end of the game. Eva has to have acquired a certain amount of "darkness points" to unlock this end AND be in possession of Thana's Runestone. Otherwise, Bad End 2 will occur.
Choices that will give +10 darkness points:
If the commune is successful, Bad End 4 will occur after a few more scenes.
The Neutral Ends:
Neutral End 1: The first neutral end happens near the end of the game, shortly after reaching the hot springs with Emrys. To obtain, start with following the directions for Bad End 3 but make different choices at key points. Note: Emrys must be toggled to 'Romance' in the Preferences menu for this end to occur.
Neutral End 2: This ending occurs at the end of the game. You need to be on Mystia's good side and have received an item from her. Avoid obtaining darkness points (see Bad End 4).
The True End: Welcome to the end of the novel 'Keepers of Astraela' is based on! Following Neutral End 2 but choosing 'Trust Him' will get you this end. Note that Mystia's good opinion is not needed for the True End, so the first couple bullet points can safely be ignored.
The Good End: Follow a similar path to Neutral End 1 for this ending, but make one different decision. Emrys' romance does not need to be active.
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Thanks for the walkthrough! This is very helpful