I debated whether I should do a blogpost here or a audiolog on my Youtube channel for a while but I've decided to do the former. The first reason I'll talk about soon, and by soon I mean the next paragraph, the second reason is that it is much easier to type out a blogpost than record and edit a video, even if the editing amounts to just putting the background in and the most default visualizer you can muster. Either way I'm going to try and do a monthly blogpost from this point forwards. It will usually consist of a status update, but I might write about other subjects if I feel like it and know I'm not going to make a fool of myself.
First of all I've been sick over the past two weeks, thanks to a awful cough which thankfully wasn't caused by a mutation of a virus that shut down the world... I hope. While I'm on the mend, it took a chunk out of me so I've done close to nothing productive for the past fortnight. I'm going to try and get the video done sometime over the weekend now that I'm getting better. After that I'm going to be doing two game jams in October: the Revival Jam and the Minimalist TTRPG Jam, and I have no idea what I'm going to make and submit to either one. Well, I might have an idea for the Revival Jam involving the Ironsworn system, but that is for October.
Now I know I said I was hoping to do an small oneshot adventure for salvage union, however my idea for it just didn't really "work" and it felt fairly generic. I also had a better idea for an dungeon crawl for Electric Bastionlands and other Odd-Likes. I do, however, want to do something for salvage union, and I do have some musings for making solo module for the game since I am of the opinion that we need more mecha TTRPGs so after I've done my Odd-Like dungeon I think I'll work on that.
Speaking of Odd-Likes, I'm beginning to plan out what I'm calling a major project. I'm not going to say much because... well... there isn't much to say other than its a thing and it is going to a hack of into the Odd/Electric Bastionlands. Just watch this space.
Anyway thanks for reading and whoever you are and whatever you do, please, take care, and I'll see you soon.
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