If you think I'm going to do these on a consistent day of a month I'm going to be a disappointment. Anyway I've got quite a few ideas running around like a bunch of caffeinated hamsters now that I'm being done with being sick. Unfortunately I've also had to put a few ideas on ice or wield the axe on others but, well, that's part of the process as I've discovered. So without further ado, lets get on with this show. I've go a list of things I need to do and I've sorted them started from what I intend to do first.
I really need to get it done. Seriously I don't have a good excuse at this point other than my projects, but even so I don't have to do much. I'm going to spend Wednesday on my laptop getting it done and dust, no distractions until then.
Game Jams
I made the decision to drop out of the Revival Jam. Firstly I decided to do so because I want to focus on the Minimalist jam; I've made the decision to take advantage of the all the time I have which I don't need to spend on graphical assets or layout to make something a little more meaty. The second reason was I wanted to make a solo TTRPG heavily inspired by the Drakan duology using the Ironsworn system, however I realised that it wouldn't really work for the jam; for those who are unfamiliar with Drakan its a game pretty much based around the 'Dragon Rider' fantasy trope. I remember watching walkthroughs as a kid in the late 2000s and the early 2010s so when I looked at the revival Jam, I thought I was onto a winner. However after thinking it over I realised that Drakan was unique (for its time) because of its gameplay, not because of its story or concept.
So while my idea for a solo Dragon Rider TTRPG is currently in cryo, I've decided to do something a bit silly for the minimalist TTRPG jam. It is a mix of ideas and its my attempt at something a bit more novel than a hack. What I'm calling Project Chimera is at this point is a mixed bag ideas inspired by a few games and systems and is definitely in its early days, but with just under two months I can afford to do something ambitious.
I've also signed up for FIST's Jam-Ops V because why not? Seriously, FIST is a game I really, really want to run one day and I can't wait for the solo rules.
Project Lone Wanderer
Project Lone Wanderer is a set of solo play rules for Salvage Union. As of right now its on the backburner but its something I want to make after I've finished project Chimera and Jam-Ops. Looking through the rulebook this is going to be challenge; a fair chunk the abilities in Salvage are about information gathering which is designed to work with a GM, I need to think of a way to keep these abilities usable without having to remake them completely. Still I have a few ideas and once I've cleared things a bit, I'll start work on it.
Project OddVoid and Mushroom
Project OddVoid is my attempt at a Odd-Like while project Mushroom is my attempt at a one shot adventure for Odd-Likes. Both are currently on hold, but I'm going to focus on Mushroom after I'm done with FIST Jam-Ops, if you can't tell I've got an idea for a theme of it.
Long story short I've got a lot planned out, and chances are plans will change, but I think my list of priorities will remain roughly the same. Its going to be a slight chaotic few months for me, but I think I'll be able to cope and put some good stuff out.
Anyway, whoever you are and whatever you do, please, take care, and I'll see you soon.
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