Hello again. I should probably also mention another couple of my projects which may (eventually) have pages here as well.
* Headspace is a hard cyberpunk body-horror game. You live and work in a totalitarian corporate world that demands perfection. As a result of an impending brain tumor, you are left with two options: perform surgery on yourself, and hide the effects (which will be based on actual brain damage affecting that area of the brain) - or to become Fired, and banished from the megacity. There are some graphics, and bare semblance of gameplay finished for this game, so far. This one may never be released, but it looks good so far.
* Bread and Circus is my stab at something really unusual, in the combination of the performing arts regarding clowning circa 1919, and an economic plunge that causes bread to become a new form of currencty. Ancient secrets were recovered, hidden, and brought back by soldiers, from the enemy in World War 1 - they point directly to a formula that can be used to reveal the exact number of years each person will live. The Theosophical Society makes a pact and merger with these soldiers, and the circus performers they found already occupying the most central location in the United states, just north of Lebanon, Kansas, and the new society known as the Fire of Prometheus is born.
* Hogwarts. Yeah, I have worked on a simple Harry Potter fangame, and have a lot of Diagon Alley done, and the trip to Hogwarts, up to being sorted into your House. This is my most self-indulgent project, and may or may not come to fruition.
... Anyway, that's a little something more to expect from the (possibly distant) future. Thank you all for playing !
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