I have updated the dialogue focused TTRPG system file.
There are now 6 skills instead of 9 and additional information to help you use these. You can get it at https://tyhulse.itch.io/dialogue-systems-for-cozy-ttrpgs
Social Abilities and Skills
Keep in mind that I say ‘seem’ for each skill and ability because these aren’t a reflection of a character’s personality, but rather their ability to act a certain way.
1: Expressiveness (Ability)
This is the ability to skillfully express your emotions, sometimes known as ‘emotional intelligence’. It is also the ability be vibrant, to ‘light up room’ and help people feel passionate and engaged in a conversation. You can also use this ability to match the necessary emotions of the moment.
-Allure: (skill) The ability to use facial expressions, tone of voice, body language, dialogue, skills and more to appear approachable, attractive, friendly, etc.
You can also use allure to help people let down their guard, to relax, and otherwise feel safe.
-Wit: (skill) Your skill at captivating your audience through story telling, the use of narrative, to say something others perceive as amusing, beautiful, profound, intelligent or interesting.
2-Empathetic Concern (Ability)
The ability to seem to connect with others and help them feel they are connecting with you. This includes the ability to read other’s emotions and attitudes, and to demonstrate that you are sympathetic with them and share their interest.
-Gentleness: (skill) You are able to do gentle things well, act self-deprecating in an enduring way, and to seek forgiveness, and get those who enjoy helping or showing off to aid you with a task.
-Connection: (skill) You are skilled at appearing to adapt another’s point of view and appearing empathetic so that others feel you understand and are interested in them.
3: Savoir-Faire (Ability)
The ability to seem cool, to morph and fit into many social situations. Those with this ability are skilled at ‘working a room’ through verbal skill, to hold attention on themselves, seeming important, and are skilled at generally fitting in with others.
-Charm: (skill) You are skilled at choosing your words to charm and influence others. As part of this you are skilled at inspiring others to want to do something or to believe in something.
-Courteous: (skill) The ability to appear upstanding, be polite, blend into many different social contexts and appear ‘cool’ even in unfamiliar situations, while building a rapport with others. As part of this you can appear forthright and trustworthy to those you are speaking with.
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