Hello friends,
In the last 30 days, not much progress has been made. I made a base structure for a game and started writing the texts. But there was so much text to write and not only I don’t like writing but I’m not good at making it interesting. And it’s very hard for me as my English is so poor, I always have to use Grammarly. In my first games, a lot of them had barely any dialogue and I liked it that way.
So, I’m back to my roots. I’ll adapt the structure to a game with less text. I hope I’ll release it in June. Then I’ll upgrade Chara CC as the list of things I want to add keeps getting bigger.
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Where can I get the vip version of the anime world photographer game?
There is no VIP version for this game nor video pack
If you need someone to look over your text please let me know. Grammarly should do a good job though, I never for a second thought you were English second language.
Yes, I love Grammarly