Hello there!
A New Version of Crimson Nimbus is now LIVE! The Game Demo has also been updated to reflect the current Game Build.
The biggest Change/Addition is a Rework for Health Pickups! New Items called Blood Vials have been scattered across all Levels and hidden in Crates! I've been wanting to implement a Collectible Item into the Game, since I enjoy Collection in Games a great deal. Pick em' up now or save them for later in a pinch! Enemies drop Blood Orbs on hit much less than before, encouraging Players to scour the Level for Health rather than passively regaining it from Fighting alone. This change will make the Game more involved and make Item Collection a bigger part of Gameplay and Strategy. Plus, Blood Vials make a satisfying Sound when you pick them up! What's not to love?
Additional Changes include further Enemy Balance. Select Enemies have had their Health reduced further to make Game Pacing quicker. However, said Enemies have also received Buffs to the frequency and effectiveness of their Attacks to offset their Presence being even more limited.
2 New Music Tracks have been swapped in for Level 1 and Level 3! Hope you like the new tunes!
Finally, I added a new Visual Effect where the screen flashes Red on Kills to really push Eliminations Home. Don't worry though. I have made sure the Flash Effect is not bright so Players (as well as myself) don't go blind during Gameplay, heh.
Please Download and give the new Changes a shot. I hope you all enjoy the Update and thanks for playing!
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