Hi, all!
As some of you know, I have started work on a new SomethingOS game. Here's what I've been working on:
I've played around a tiny bit with a "new" art style. So far, all that means is SomethingOS ALICE's style, but with a bit more maximalism involved, and HALFTONES. When I learned that Photoshop has a color halftone filter, I immediately thought that I HAD to include this in SomethingOS. Here's a little proof-of-concept I made a few days ago:
So far, it seems to be VERY promising for images that already had a lot of detail, but if done distastefully it can add a lot of unnecessary strain to your eyes. I also experimented a bit with app icons, as you can see here.
Recently, I scrapped both of the website editors I've made, and started using Godot Editor for websites instead. Godot's control nodes are already some next-level stuff, and they're far more flexible and easy-to-use than anything I could make. I've managed to put together the foundation of this new SomethingOS game pretty quickly compared to the other OS simulators I've made, which has made me pretty happy. As of now, my plan is to practice making this specific type of game until I graduate high school (which in my case, will happen in about 2 years.) After that, I will start working on some bigger, more polished SomethingOS games that could be sold without getting weird looks.
Once that happens, I've estimated that I could make about $50 a year off of SomethingOS alone. It's a big maybe, but if I manage to make 1,000 full-scale SomethingOS games a year, I MIGHT be able to pay off my living costs and work on SomethingOS full time.
And I guess the latest news I have to offer is that I have started making my own fonts for SomethingOS. Partly because I wanted to do it, and partly because copyright scares me. I expect to get better at making fonts after a few months of practice, but here's what I have so far. I think these fonts already make SomethingOS feel a lot more unique as it's own internet.
And, just in case you guys are worried about me not providing any actual game screenshots, here's what the game looks like so far (huge work in progress as per usual.)
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