I have made significant progress the last couple of days on my game Nothing Can Ever Go Wrong. This week, I was able to fully complete the second scene of the game, and completed all of the finishing touches. I completed all of the mini bosses and dialogue. I began work on the third scene this week, and as of today, March 15, 2024, I am currently 60% done with Scene 3. The scenery, and level design is complete as of this date, and most of the blocking for all of the entities is also done. A lot of dialogue is also complete. However, I still need to complete the blocking and dialogue of the two main characters in this scene. That's why it is 60% done, rather than 100% done. I should be finished with the dialogue by the end of this weekend, and hopefully can get started on Scene 4 next week. I do like to plan things out, but I feel like my plans always change as soon as I begin making something. Scene 3 came out very different than I originally intended. So I will continue to plan, but I am going to be more cautious about my planning, as I could just change it at the last second if I don't like it, which is what I do often. I am treating it as everything I plan is not set in stone. I am very pleased with my progress, and I hope I can get this game done very soon.
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