Hi there!
I plan to start a series of weekly streams featuring some hidden gems among videogames, hopefully giving them at least a little more recognition they very much deserve! Thus, the "Underplayed" project!
I aim to stream on Mondays, starting with January 8th. I hope to get the featured game's developer(s) on board, so that they could see their game played live and also provide some additional input. Because of that, exact time may vary to acommodate the devs; I'd make sure to announce the time once it's settled. You can see my previous stream of several game jam games here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1994465204
With all that said, the thing about hidden gems is that they're... well, hidden! And since I'd like to play these blind, I can't quite research them on my own. So if you know of a title that's been criminally underplayed, feel free to suggest it here! ^^
A few general selection criteria:
When it comes to the first streams specifically, I'd prefer to feature a games:
What do you think about the general concept? Are there any games you'd like to suggest? Maybe there's someone you know who would want to promote a game or watch these kinds of streams?
Looking forward to read your thoughts! ^^
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Here's some games to look into:
These two probably don't fully meet your criteria but they're too good not to mention in hopes that they might get exposure outside of their respective niches:
Any of Pug Fugly's games appeal? He's a Game Maker veteran and his games are always fun and slick but don't get the audience I feel they deserve. :) He just released a new one before Christmas too. https://pugfuglygames.itch.io/