Hello all! I realize I've been a bit radio silent again--there's a variety of factors that have played into that, not the least of which is just...y'know, being an adult with a job, but alas, I am still alive.
Anyway, I'm popping in to say that a) Volume 1 of DreamCatcher: Reflections is 20% off for the Itch.io Black Friday Creator Day! It was only $5 to begin with, but now it's like...even less. So get on that if you haven't got a copy yet.
Second, I've finally gotten around to updating my commission prices and creating a page for it over on the Skelebun Studios website, so those are officially open and will ALSO be on sale for the entire weekend. If you order before the end of 11/26/23 and mention that you came from Itch, you'll receive a 15% discount! Whether you're looking for art for your game, monster designs, logos, a drawing of your latest DnD character, or a painting of your friend's pet to give them for Christmas, I do a bit of everything. See some of the offerings below!
(Due to uh, life, I have some extra bills coming up, so any paid work would be lovely.)
(Also! I sell stickers on Etsy! Check that out if you're into tiny legendary Pokemon or Legend of Zelda characters.)
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