Some random thoughts about my migration from Patreon to :
Did somebody have a problem with the code being in a text file? Maybe it’s better if I set up a link instead. I’ll try to do this in the future.
For black Friday, I won’t do a sale or something. It’s way too early for this. Maybe next year. At some point, I planned for some of my games to become paid games but I changed my mind. It wasn’t a good idea in the first place. I would have given them a small price but it’s best not to set low prices on Itch as paying processors take around $0.40~$0.80 on each sale. I don’t understand people selling their games for $1.50 as so much is lost to fees. My next game will probably be around $5 depending on how it turns out.
Such a long post to say nothing about the future… What I want to do is create tools that will allow me to produce games at a faster pace. To me, this is the best part as I love programming. We’ll see how it will turn out. I won’t release anything next month.
Thanks again to everyone who bought something. If you want to support me without donating money, you can rate my games. You can also tell other people about my games.
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