This is my ninth entry into the alphabet superset challenge by Struthless. The theme for this entry was "Ignorance", which ended up also as the title of the game. You can play it here.
This is, again, a very short vignette. I've had a hard time focusing on development this week, but on the bright side, I managed to tick one item off my bucket list, namely beating Dark Souls 1. I know that this is perhaps nothing special, but I've been trying to do it since the game came out in 2011 and I got it back then for the xbox 360. I always ended up losing interest at some point, but this time I presevered. So I never went hollow, and Gwyn went down on my first try. I mean, what can possibly stand to Havel's armor and a fully upgraded Black Knight Sword? But I digress.
Ignorance might be pretty cringy when I think about it, but at heart I'm always filled with child-like enthusiasm and optimism, and this is the expression of that. I'm also forty years old, so I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone at this point, and therefore I'm quite comfortable showing it to the world. I made it in literally fifteen minutes, just blurted in on the screen in a frenzy of cheesy pixel art and cheesy writing. It felt good. I also feel ready to make something more complex next week. We'll see how it goes.
And I had it ready on Friday (that is yesterday, the 17th of November), but I totally forgot to upload it. Oh well...
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