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Struggle during Fading Path's conception

It's gonna be an ugly situation over my laziness days by ignoring the conception of my passion project, Fading Path. I don't really need to say this is fact or bluff thing or lying about the development, but it's true for the latter. I ignored RMMV and my concept. What the hell does it? I was playing a few of online games and watching YouTuber videos for some days, before that, I got addicted everyday on this, in which it calculates more than a year for doing this, that's what it does for ignore it. At worst but not least, I almost lost my passion in my head and can't remember what the idea or concept of my game needs. I mean I don't remember about the story or the plot about Fading Path.

I deeply apologize for anyone's concern about Fading Path and my career because my mental condition makes me worse a lot than ADHD. In reality, I can't focus my concept too much. I had take times to rest and spare many times from addiction and mental condition. I mean it. I'm sorry.

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Take your time <3 No rush if you're not feeling well.