Now comes the exciting part where we introduce menacing aliens to shoot at! Adding aliens to your Space Invaders game in Codea Lua will make it much more engaging. I'll go step-by-step through the code to explain how to accomplish this.
Step 1: Declare Alien Variables
Firstly, we'll declare some variables and arrays to keep track of the aliens. Add these at the top of your code, just after the `bullets = {}` line:
alienRows = 3
alienCols = 5
aliens = {}
alienSpeed = 5
alienDir = 1 -- 1 for right, -1 for left
alienYStep = 20 -- Amount to move down at each edge
Step 2: Initialize Aliens
In your `setup()` function, initialize the alien positions. Create a nested for-loop to position the aliens in a grid:
for row = 1, alienRows do
for col = 1, alienCols do
table.insert(aliens, { x = col * 100, y = HEIGHT - row * 100 })
Step 3: Draw Aliens
In your `draw()` function, add another loop to draw the aliens:
for _, alien in ipairs(aliens) do
sprite( asset.builtin.Space_Art.Green_Ship, alien.x, alien.y)
Step 4: Move Aliens
Also, in the `draw()` function, we'll make the aliens move. Check for boundaries and update positions:
-- Move the aliens
for _, alien in ipairs(aliens) do
alien.x = alien.x + alienSpeed * alienDir
-- Check for boundary collision
if aliens[1].x < 0 or aliens[#aliens].x > WIDTH then
alienDir = -alienDir
for _, alien in ipairs(aliens) do
alien.y = alien.y - alienYStep
Step 5: Putting It All Together
Here's the complete code listing:
bullets = {}
-- Step 1
alienRows = 3
alienCols = 5
aliens = {}
alienSpeed = 5
alienDir = 1
alienYStep = 20
function setup()
viewer.mode = FULLSCREEN
shipX = WIDTH/2
shipY = HEIGHT/4
-- Step 2
for row = 1, alienRows do
for col = 1, alienCols do
table.insert(aliens, { x = col * 100, y = HEIGHT - row * 100 })
function draw()
background(40, 40, 50)
sprite(asset.builtin.Space_Art.Red_Ship, shipX, shipY)
-- Step 3
for _, alien in ipairs(aliens) do
sprite(asset.builtin.Space_Art.Green_Ship, alien.x, alien.y)
for i, bullet in ipairs(bullets) do
ellipse(bullet.x, bullet.y, 10)
bullet.y = bullet.y + 5
if bullet.y > HEIGHT then
table.remove(bullets, i)
-- Step 4
for _, alien in ipairs(aliens) do
alien.x = alien.x + alienSpeed * alienDir
if aliens[1].x < 0 or aliens[#aliens].x > WIDTH then
alienDir = -alienDir
for _, alien in ipairs(aliens) do
alien.y = alien.y - alienYStep
function touched(touch)
if touch.state == BEGAN then
table.insert(bullets, {x = shipX, y = shipY})
if touch.x < shipX then
shipX = shipX - 5
elseif touch.x > shipX then
shipX = shipX + 5
And there you go! Now you have aliens that move left and right, and also descend upon reaching the edges.
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