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Pitching a Game - Gamification Year 3

This week was primarily focused on pitching a game to my teammates in Gamification, in hopes of formulating a solid mechanic to build off of moving forward. I personally pitched a mechanic similar to one of my favourite games “Citizen Sleeper”, In this the player would have a specified amount of energy die for each day functioning as “actions” At the beginning of the day they would roll a d6 for each action and from there would be able to place those actions on “Tasks”, when the player locked the action in they would have to compete against their action die, so if the number was a 6, the player would have to roll a 6 to beat their action score as a skill check. On Success or failure, the player would be rewarded currency at the cost of energy or just the lost of energy. For every two energy the player loses, if they don’t replenish through a task, the following day they will lose an action. If the player completely runs out of energy, they will “starve” and reach a gameover state.

While my game was not chosen to move forward, I hope to incorporate my mechanic someway into our BIO-Farming game with a focus on sustainable farming and the consequences of cutting corners.

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This dice mechanic, and choosing where to allocate your rolls, reminds me a lot of Dicey Dungeons. I think it's a pretty interesting idea, because it makes a great basis for a strategy game. It might be good to add a bit more to the idea in terms of supplemental mechanics, like random events that can happen to your fish, for instance. I wish you luck in moving forward with the project your team decided on, however.

The dice mechanic could be interesting in the right context, it adds an element of danger to what could otherwise be a pretty binary choice. Bad luck could be frustrating, but having a way to minimize your risk at some cost could negate that. I'm not familiar with the game you're basing it on, so perhaps there is something like this, but regardless I'd be interested to see it pop in your group's final game.