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Todd Brooks-Marling || Dev Log One || A.I Research

          After being tasked with the design challenge of making a resonant game on the topic of Artificial intelligence, I set out to do research in order to get a better understanding of what it is. The topic of A.I has a lot of official documentation so I set three important goals that I feel were important to know about, them being: Origins, Legalities, and Ethics.

 - Origins: In searching for what A.I is, I felt it was important to know where it came from, and that is 'The - -Father of Modern Computing' himself, Alan Turing who asked 'Can Machines Think?'.

 - Legalities: Through looking into the current legalities I found that there are currently very loose and the -repercussions are easily avoidable by software developers, especially in regards to what will happen if A.I gains sentience or awareness. 

 - Ethics: A.I has always been an ambiguous term, with every person having a different definition for it, especially when it comes to its use in society. Currently the most important field it's being utilized in is the medical industry, scanning and diagnosing issues that doctors often miss or take a long time to analyze, but it's potential for harm in other areas cannot be understated, whether that be for actual harm or job safety.

          Given my research, I feel like the most effective resonant game would be to emphasize the dangers present and utilize that to create awareness for malpractice with A.I. I believe a good way of representing this would be a short story based RPG where society is divided into two castes, one that could afford robots, and one that couldn't, and the player tries to fight for equity.

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You covered almost all of the factors that there is to AI which is a good thing. From how it all started and how it is still affecting people in the current world that we live in. It's definitely something that has been used by various tech industries. However, I feel that you are mostly focusing on how humans are affected by this . My suggestion would be to focus more on how this is being used as jobs as that's how many people use it. Just as I was doing my research on Cyber security, I focused more on how people use some factors off that topic and how they use them when working in tech companies. In terms of putting AI into an RPG like game, while you are mostly focusing on how the AI itself affects humans, I would like to see something like people who like to use AI and those that don't and in the process of doing that people will be able to clearly distinguish the differences. Other than that, your idea of this RPG game sounds great to me.

Hi Todd :) Your research seems very well-rounded as you covered pretty much every single aspect of AI, from its history to its legalities. Regulations around AI are definitely one of the hottest topics within the tech industry as of right now. It's very interesting how the technology has been studied for years, yet there aren't any solid repercussions for AI developers. The idea of your RPG is quite interesting, I like that it focuses on how AI will affect ordinary people and consumers as opposed to developers and artists. So far I think AI has relatively been accessible to users around the world. That being said, your angle on the subject is quite unique and nuanced, so I can't wait to see how the game would address consumer inequity in AI. 

I like the approach your taking with AI, it's a bit different from what I ended up doing. I looked more at the AI itself, but I like that you're looking more at the effect AI has on humans. Job security in relation to AI is very relevant and I feel like that would resonate with a lot of people. One thing I'd want to see in an RPG is something to differentiate those with AI from those without. Maybe giving enemies with AI access to skills the player doesn't have or something along with those lines.