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Senior Thesis, Journal Entry #4: Change of Plans

So in brief. Decker is fine, but my story’s too serious. 

So think less Fallout 1 & 2 and more Adventure Time Land of Ooo. I was inspired by the upcoming remake of Super Mario RPG: Legend of the something of other (I forgot but it involves stars). It’s another 90’s game (96’), for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System or NSES. Mario RPG’s are always a joy to play,  I still remember bowser’s inside story on the DS. I typically imagine Wetsern RPG’s as “No, I’m more traumatized and brooding all the time. No I am!” Whereas  Mario RPG’s have sentient cloud people or whatever you want.

This decision is also a product of one of my classes I’m taking—Video Production and Editing with Brecheisen. Whenever I have a good Professor I tend to take their advice to heart. One of the things he said is—does the narrative fit a book, a movie, or a video game. He stressed that the story must fit the platform it’s on. I don’t think it warrants explanation, but in case someone’s not in the know. Video Games usually have very simplistic, almost nothing stories. With Mario they’re funny and inoffensive. Another RPG I’m playing, Starfield, hit the spot between generic, funny, and just nice to play. No one’s brooding too much, there’s room for other emotions, Same with Adventure Time, which if you don’t know involves a very weird society that grew up around the great mushroom war (nuclear detonations have a mushroom cloud). This wasn’t adventure time’s original plot however, and it was a giant retconn (one I didn’t like). But who cares what I thought when it’s helping my theme now.

The new idea is this: something more campy, something more easy-going and quirky. We’ll keep Tulsa so the project name can stay as it is. And it’ll probably take place in the same area. But this alteration I’m making marries the game better with the platform it’s being made on. Decker’s one cute-sy little app.

One last thing:

I’m going to be more run and gun with this project. I feel like the only okay game I made was Martian defense and that was made by ignoring the code I couldn’t do and focusing on what I did know. 

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