The Problem
In preparation for out game, I had decided to do some pre work and design an enemy system. On my side project, I was able to fully flesh out a fully working enemy system to include behavior trees and animations. The AI was designed in such a way that it could both see and hear the player and then proceed to investigate if the player moved out of line of sight.
That is all well and good, but we ran into massive issues when trying to migrate. Between perforce not committing all the files or files getting corrupted during the migration, we could not successfully migrate over my enemy AI. One of the main issues is that my AI used a lot of the starting assets, to include the Manny skeletal mesh and animations. Against our best efforts, we could not resolve this issue.
The Solution
Sadly, we decided to scrap the whole migration process and start from scratch using assets specific for this game. My efforts were not entirely in vain as I did grow a deep understanding on how to craft an enemy AI System. Do I wish we were using what I had already built, sure. But no I have a new opportunity to attack this problem and enhance what I have already built. For the time being we have added a very simple enemy type just to test out the health and damage functionality. Hopefully soon we will have a more in depth enemy ai system with good combat mechanics to match.
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