I'm participating in Dungeon23, an idea sparked by Sean McCoy, creator of Mothership.
Megadungeon for 2023. 12 levels. 365 rooms. One room a day. Keep it all in a journal. @LukeGearing let’s do this. pic.twitter.com/tCVgh8i1MF
— 💭 Sean McCoy (@seanmccoy) December 5, 2022
It'd be great to have 365 locations by the end of the year, but more importantly my goal is to have fun doing this and make it primarily for myself. If I'm enjoying it, I'm doing it right. I want the creation of this to be playful, not painful. It sounds like the sort of low pressure writing ritual I enjoy, where I can add more detail if I want but just outline lightly if I'm low on time/energy/motivation. Something hopefully sustainable.
This Gizmodo article about Dungeon23 echoes my feelings on the project:
"The goal here is to write a little bit every day, to attempt to create something new, and to challenge yourself to be creative.
...The ethos of Dungeon23 isn’t that you must create something every day, it’s that you make space for writing, even if it’s a catch-up hour every Sunday.
...The trick is to make it fun for you, to create something that you are excited to create.
...I think the most important [tip] is “don’t overthink it.” Seriously.
I'm not big on literal dungeon crawls - my games are usually more talking than fighting, anyway - so the version I envision is an archipelago, more of a pointcrawl or exploration map, with points of interest. I'm using it more as a worldbuilding exercise to pour things onto the page that I like that may not fit in my other projects.
Oh, and I also plan to use it for a little bit of art inspiration, too, a few creature sketches and so on in the journal as I go.
I'll update my Dungeon23 blog sporadically, not every day - whenever feels good to me and not like a chore or an extra stress.
You will be able to find lots of other Dungeon23 projects at the #dungeon23 hashtag or game jam page throughout 2023.
I'm not sure what my world or archipelago or this project is called yet, but I'm looking forward to discovering it!
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