Ok u might think i'm an idiot right? it took me two hours to assign a variable.
This all wraps around back to the inv system i talked about. if u don't remember/read/or even see that then here's a brief explanation.
u collect an item it add a string to a list.
u place a block it removes that block from the list
if mine a block then it adds that block to that list.
get it? alright good. I had started to develop a fullscreen menu and after two hours it functioned.
there was only one problem, it only had ONE slot!
so i had to fix this.
My first idea looked like this
var randomAssigner = RandomNumberGenerator.new()
func _ready():
var list = []
var randomAssignerReciever = randomAssigner.randf_range(1, 2)
Then comes the problem.
u see i needed to assign the random number to TWO objects, using the same script.
but they both came out the same.
i varied it with similar outcomes
here was this methods successor
extends Button
var inv = []
var storageSpace = []
var selected
var clicked = 0
var value = 0
func _ready():
selected = Global.get_node("Player").selected
inv = Global.get_node("Player").inv
storageSpace.append(round(rand_range(1, 2)))
it had finally worked! the rand_range function had assigned each objects a random number from 1 to 2
thats all the latest
the next devlog tommorow!
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