Alright the first devlog of a new game. This game (which as of this time as no name, leave ur idea's in the comments) is about a robot Lost trying to get back to its factory. But it has a strange bug it can turn sideways at will! In the beginning I just had to setup the player.
I made a folder called player inside of that there were to other folders (blank for now)
Head & body.
I made some art for the head,
and some for the body.
Then imported them into the editor and put them in their folders.
Next was the joint system.
i added a kinematic body node named body then added a child called head i gave both a sprite and attached scripts.
I started with the head. My first plan was to check for the key press up/down then rotate accordingly without limit, but two bugs appeared.
one his head would disappear after i fixed that the second bug became more apparent to me.
He was fast super super fast.
I started by slowing him down then adding a limit to how much he could rotate, which seemed to fix the bug.
next up Camera's and raycast.
i started this by adding a ray as the child of the head joint.
then as a child of the ray i added the camera and set it to current.
now if i rotated the head up the camera would follow.
next Body:
used character controller from float (:
last flip effect
at first this was a bug i discovered if u switched the camera to rotating.
but then i realised this could be a nice mechanic so i binded it to the key F
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