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I guess that shouldn't be to difficult since unity has a good system in place for android conversion. The only problem I see as of right now is the resolution and screen size. I'll look into that but can't promise anything yet.

I fixed that. Thanks again :)

Hello again,
I fixed the issue with the weapon shop and added a counter to show the progress in unlocking the lewd scenes.

I looked into the bottom stats again as well. However I'm not sure which charm skill you mean. I guess you could mean the charisma skill but that starts at 50 and is actually affecting the players charm in battle. I could see however how a increase of 20 wouldn't make a noticeable difference when fighting. If that isn't the problem I would love for you to elaborate on it. Thanks in advance!

It apperantly takes Patreon a lot of time to review and set up the site.
Will hopefully be online next week <3

As of now I'm not quite sure. If everything goes well and I have enough free time to work on this game I would love to add various characters with unique traits.

First of all thanks for the kind words, I really appreciate them!

I fixed the blackscreen bug right away (at least I hope so) because I considere that one game breaking.

Forest, mountains and dungeon all have the same background and the same monsters, just with different possibilities of encountering a certain monster. I'm not sure if encounterin the forest monsters multiple times in the mountains was just bad luck. Anyway, I renamed Mountain and Dungeon so it's a little less confusing.

Also I shortened the black screen time between scenes a little. 

Yes, audio doesn't exist yet, rember, the game is in it's very very early developement and only published so I can get valuable feedback like yours. All of your other points I've added onto my to do list.

Also Patreon isn't fully set up yet as well :P

Thank you for the feedback, it's really helpfull since I keep overlooking a lot of stuff.

I did some minor bug fixing a few minutes ago. The ones you're mentioning aren't included. The following days will be very busy for me so I look into the bugs you mentioned sometime next week. The progress bar might take a bit longer. The bottom 3 stats are for special scenes two of them are used currently, charm will be included for the special scenes later on.

(2 edits)

Yeah I thought that might become a problem. I'm on it, updated version will be online in half an hour or so.

Should be improved now if you download the game again. I've multiplied it by 10. I think that's fair.

Thanks again for the valuable suggestion.