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DeForrest Studios

A member registered Dec 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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We’re having troubles cementing a lot of the browser behavior, and should probably just leave a note in the page to expect some bugs with it. We’re using Godot 4 which it’s web ports aren’t the most stable currently. The executable should work the most stably out of the platforms.

We’ve fixed the employees assigning problems, and will push the fix soon afterward I finish up a few more things, and noted on being able to unassign completely.

As to the problems on Edge, and whatnot. I’m suspicious the user data is messed up somehow. Navigate to the game you’d like to clear the data for, and on any browser you may be using, open the developer tools (press F-12 most of the time). Navigate to the Application tab, where you will find a left-hand window, where you will find the “Storage” section, an “IndexedDB” entry you can expand, once expanded, you will see one or multiple entries, for our game specifically you’ll see an entry called “userfs”. Click on it, and click “Delete Database”. This will simply clear the data for that specific game from your browser. This is a valid method to clear any data from a specific game on itch just for future. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask, I’ll help as much as I can :D

Thank you once again for your support, and feedback!


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Wow, thank you for all of this feedback! It is not intentional to be able to assign multiple employees to one job. We’ll take care of that. As for the play button bug, it may have to do with how cookies are saved, and they’re not updating correctly after the update. I’ll put a reload button on the main menu you for now to cure this. We’ll get to the other things mentioned as well 😀 Thank you for your support and feedback!


That’s a great idea and will be super easy to implement. Robert will get on that for tonight’s update.


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Thank you! We plan on updating frequently!

~ Lani

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Thank you for the comment, and for playing :D We are currently working on improving all of the features you've mentioned. Thank you for pointing out the leveling bug, I'll get that tackled as well.

We plan to continue development of this game, and flesh it out much more over time.
