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Aaron's artist nook

A member registered Nov 09, 2022 · View creator page →

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yes yes yes!!!!! thank you so much for the feed back
you literally have given me motivation to work on this more
so with what you said that I want to just make sure I understand correct is 
- new possible font (that might be a bit hard I've never done it before but I'll see what's possible)

- more personality for the charecter (totally get it I'll go back and look into the writing see if I can change it around)

- and finally grammar and spelling stuff (It was only a rough draft when I made it so you commenting that is kinda funny as it was never proof read in the first place)

if you think I could improve anything else at all please let me know!!!

HEYA it's me things are still happening and still in the works though I'm not going to talk about it here check my tiktok @aaronxdraws to see updates more often