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Hole Dweller

The sandbox furry hole dwelling game! · By ThighHG

Suggestion box Sticky

A topic by ThighHG created Feb 09, 2022 Views: 38,832 Replies: 403
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Question: Would you launch a Mobile version? I want to play it but my pc died


Mobile versión?


First off hi love the game 

idea 1: so you know how you can make the npc's ass breast and body bigger you should add the opposite

idea 2: add a boss pls

idea 3: add clowns

It would be nice if there were an option to lock the sex bar (for lack of a better term) permanently because when you have a character with a high SEXHP, like 1000+, it can take about half an hour to finish. It's quite tedious having to move the bar constantly, especially with how buggy it gets late into the session. also, it would be nice if we could equip/unequip the fast sex / slow sex mid-session.


actually tbh idk how that would work

Nude undyne skin with nipples?

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