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you know, I'm just shocked by your comment! it's so big and detailed!!! okay I just love it. thank you so much for leaving a comment! <333

I will try to make the game even better in the full version!!!

I'm very happy that you liked the characters designs. this is my favorite part of the development, and if I don't stop in time, I'll make 1000 new characters hahaha (help me I want to design more characters . )

yessss, i agree about the CG with Zu! i really like drawing him, and it's about time to show him in full size one day...

about his height, I'm not quite sure yet, but I think he's somewhere between 6' 1" and 6' 3".

I always pictured him as tall, but I don't want to go overboard with his height (although I'd love to hug a Zu over 2 meters tall).

I don't really have social media, so you can ask your questions in the game comments (or you can ask them in the game development log if you feel more comfortable that way). I would be very happy to answer your questions! thank you for your kind words, they really inspire me!


No need to thank me. 💜

I know developing a game takes a lot of time and, please take your time and care of yourself, too, don't rush to finish the game! Please don't stop creating and adding more characters even if their roles are unimportant, I think that's the great part of being able to make characters out of nothing, you put a lot of effort and care into them. Haha, well, I pictured (even if it wasn't described) that Zu had pointy robotic legs instead of just “normal robot legs” that resembles the ones humans have. ^^ So, in my mind, it was obvious that he was a REALLY tall android... Also, the pointy legs would look good in my opinion, sorry if he doesn't have those 💔 I don't know how he fully looks like but whatever is fine. 💜

I rather ask some questions on the development log, when the game is finished though... I'm really curious and starving for more but im aware some of my questions will include spoilers. But I just have two questions as for now: 1- Why Kiri seems to be mad at Zu by being called something rather than “Kiri”? Is it because she prefers to being called “Kiri” or is like her deadname? And, 2- In the next update, we will be able to see Zu's house? He mentioned he has a house of his own! I'd love to see it. 

Thank you for taking your time and answering. (´∧ω∧`*)

(1 edit) (+2)

hi again!!! i can't stop saying thank you because your warm words really help me feel better. I'll try to spend more time on myself, but I'll also spend a lot of time on the game so I can spend less time in real life! haha

you too please take care of yourself and your health and everything else! <333

I really like your idea about Zu's legs :D but it's much simpler than that! you'll see it soon, I think.

I wanted to make him very tall yehhh, but then there would be some problems with that D: let's pretend he's 2,5 meters tall =)
(damn, what an awkward game page font I chose, I'm going to go change it) (YAAAY I FOUND A NEW ONE)

Kiri's full name brings back bad memories for her! I plan on revealing this topic in the full version of the game

I'm not quite sure if we'll see Zu's house, but I'll think about it!

and thank you for the comment again :D


Oh, I completely understand the feeling, there are times where i just don't want to interact with the real world, at all. (。´-д-)。。And thank you for your good wishes, I really appreciate them! 

2,50?????? 🤭 WOAH, that surpassed my expectations on his height...hehe, I can imagine that he has to crouch a lot to get pass some doors or just anywhere, makes me wonder if he has a door made just for him on his own house, LMAO. Not sure if such thing is a big deal for him since nothing that isn't related to MC seems to not bother him. 

And thank you so much for answerings my question, as for now. 💜 Can't wait to ask more when the game is finished! 

I don't think is really necessary for you to show us his houses, unless is a vital or more so important part of the history. MC has some clothes missing for their house for example... Not sure who or what is taking them but just maybeee, they accidentally ended up on Zu's house or something, I'm not sure! It's hard to not theorize. ( ´・ω・)

Again, thank you for taking your time on answering me! I really appreciate. (*´˘`*)♡

(1 edit) (+1)

I hope you allow yourself to take breaks from the real world! (I don't like how in our world all people are required to be involved in social and work life ALL THE TIME)

I am so very much undecided about his height... i think closer to the release of the full game i will decide for sure :D

no problem! it's my pleasure to communicate with you.<3

HAHAHA I'm glad you noticed that detail about the clothes :DDD at first I didn't want to emphasize it so much, so in the full version it won't be so intrusive in the story.

thank you and you're welcome! you really lifted my spirits haha

((edit: I don't want to be too intrusive, but maybe you'd like to participate in the thing I organized in the development log? I suggested players come up with characters so players can see them in play at the festival. perhaps you'd like to do the same? it's not necessary of course, I just think it would be really nice to organize such a thing))


Thank you, thank you! (Right? Some of us just want to dig up a hole and stay there forever without having anyone or anything bothering us.😴 Dealing with the real world can be a task sometimes!)

Whatever you end up deciding, will be okay to me! No matter how tall is Zu, i will always like him. (﹡ˆ﹀ˆ﹡)♡ He is endearing to me. 

It's a tiny detail but it stuck with me, I just kind of...forgot about that honestly, ignoring the red flags as always, I am. (´σд-。) Good to hear that and bad for poor MC!!! They'll never get their clothes back, LOL. 

(Oh, you are not being intrusive at all. ^^ It's actually nice that you mention it to me because I didn't even noticed there was a development log...even after I looked this page several times, I just noticed, hehe. I'D LOVE TO PARTICIPATE!!!!! (✪ω✪)/ I'll take a look at it and think of coming up with something, thank you so much saying that to me!!!!!!! I would love to partake on that!!!! 🫂) 


(yeah! that's why we have the internet to completely hide from the world :D)

HAHA why do we need clothes anyway? Zu clearly doesn't care if MC is wearing clothes or not.(imsorryD:>)

I understand! i wouldn't have noticed the devlog either if I was on your place. thanks for deciding to participate! now i'm going to go reply to your comment in the devlog, i'm really glad we have such a friendly atmosphere of communication with you <3


I hope that WHOEVER, not pointing at anyone in stealing MC's clothes isn't taking the pricey pieces of clothes because personally? I would be pissed if that happened...or MC's favorite piece of clothing? NUH-UH, I would cry. Zu might not care but his scrutinizing eyes would make me feel self-conscious of my own appearance </3 I think that would be a good excuse to taught him what shame is and why some people don't like showing their skin, LOL. 

No! Thank YOU!!!!! (TдT) Hehe, sorry if what I wrote related about adding characters for the festival wasn't what you wanted! I wasn't sure how descriptive I should have been with it, so I made as vague as I could and just with enough details that you just could go with it... I apologize if that wasn't what you wanted. ૧(ꂹີωꂹີૂ)


I'm sure MC's clothes are stolen by rats. or birds. or ghosts, of course..I'm sure the stolen clothes are perfectly safe :D 100% well taken care of.

haha i think Zu understands but can't accept the fact that people hide their bodies... but he respects people's choices.

it's ok! i really liked your ideas for the characters, i already started working on their sprites and story ideas. i hope you'll like the result! you see, the point was for the players to be able to see some of their creativity in the game, their own ideas, not that i need genius ideas for the characters :D (although your ideas are really very good!)
I want to make people happy <3

Those pesky ghosts that stole MC's clothes are just jealous of their good sense of fashion. 😌 I hope they take good care of their missing clothing...

He can't accept it? That's strange 🧐 I guess it's because the reason why we, humans, wear clothes is attached to our emotions and I feel like he has a hard time trying to understand that. I mean, in the game he has recently learned what psychical affection is and is trying it with MC. Is it silly of me to look too much into it? <_<

I can't wait to see it but I don't doubt that whatever you did with what I wrote, i WILL love it!!!!!!! (↑ω↑) I think you already made some people happy by publishing this game. ^^ In general, every single person seems to really like it!!!