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A Faerie's Tale

A lighthearted and playful fantasy story about accepting change and finding a new home. · By Steamberry Studio, Jeneara, Feniks, Wind Chimes Games, Crescence Studio, TuffMallow

Loved it!!!!

A topic by tsmith7686 created 44 days ago Views: 129 Replies: 2
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(2 edits) (+3)

What a breath of fresh air this game is! I absolutely loved it, and would happily pay for any DLC that might come out later. Glen and Silas were wonderful, and I always adore (and am very appreciative of) fiesty and strong MCs. I'm excited about the possible 3rd LI, and would love to know more of his backstory. I adore games from this studio, and will continue to support them in any way I can. *I played 100+ hours of Gilded Shadows, and loved every minute of it!!! 


I agree whole heartedly! What a wonderful little game! 


I also agree, wonderful RO,amazing writing and a interesting MC.I hope that 3rd LI route is going to be finished.