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Game Randomly Crashes

A topic by Jurgo created 71 days ago Views: 288 Replies: 2
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After 15 or So Minutes of Playing the Game Crashes, Does Anyone Know How to Fix This?

Depends on what error you are getting. You should always include info about any error message or logs you receive when you are asking for technical help with games/software. I usually recommend making sure your graphics drivers are up to date first.

For me personally, I had a similar issue with crashes and got an error message with something like "Error: exiting due to D3D device being lost"
I googled around about the error message and I came across this post on steam discussions for a different game
and after a little more googling I found out it is apparently a fairly common issue with games developed using Unreal Engine 4+ (which as far as I know is the engine this game is developed with)
The aforementioned post had steps for a fix on it and I followed them and it more or less fixed it.

Fair warning though,
Since I don't know what error you are getting, you should only attempt this fix if you are having the same error message (d3d device lost etc...)
Also, I don't really recommend typing in random registry edits you read off the internet and honestly I don't really know the effects that entry but it seems to have worked for me. I do still get crashes every now and again though. I might increase TdrDelay from 10 to 15 and see if that helps any.

Nothing shows up when it crashes, so thats why i had to ask if anyone can help.