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Drawing Legends (Demo Release V0.1)

Discover the world of Cartography through the realm of Revelatia. · By Traveler Studios


A topic by TengoWithBengo created 45 days ago Views: 31 Replies: 1
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Main issue I had was the game would only open on my second monitor and there was no way to swap it since theres no fullscreen/windowed options in the settings (or anything else) combat felt a little clunky and whenever the prompt "press any key to start" came up if you keep pressing keys the audio plays over and over again, collecting items feels weird because you have to look at the at juuuust the right angle to interact with them as well as the potions being called Potion_Health ingame is a bit stragne. Of course its a very early version and im just pointing out things I noticed at first glance but I like the idea and it could be good with some more work done.


Great feedback!  We appreciate you playing the demo and will take what you said into consideration.