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New Ideas

A topic by ForceCRZ8 created Feb 17, 2024 Views: 76 Replies: 2
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Realistic Bodycam Integration:

Implement a realistic bodycam system where players can review their gameplay footage from their character's perspective. This could add a unique dimension to the game and allow players to analyze their tactics.

Dynamic Lighting and Shadows:

Introduce dynamic lighting and shadow mechanics to enhance realism. This could include realistic flashlight and night vision effects, adding an extra layer of strategy to gameplay.

Evidence Collection Mechanism:

Incorporate a feature where players can collect evidence during missions. This could involve taking photos or recording specific events, adding a detective element to the game.

Interactive Environment:

Create an interactive environment with destructible elements or objects that can be used as cover during intense firefights. This adds depth to the gameplay and allows for strategic choices.

Non-lethal Options:

Include non-lethal weapons and gadgets for players who want to approach missions with a stealthier or less lethal strategy. This could include tasers, rubber bullets, or incapacitating gadgets.

Character Customization:

Provide extensive character customization options, allowing players to personalize their character's appearance, gear, and bodycam attachments. This enhances the immersive experience and gives players a sense of ownership.

Team Communication and Coordination:

Emphasize team-based gameplay with robust communication tools. Include a realistic radio system or gestures for non-verbal communication to encourage teamwork and coordination.

Multiplayer Investigation Mode:

Introduce a multiplayer investigation mode where players can work together to solve crimes or complete objectives. This could involve analyzing evidence, coordinating with teammates, and making decisions that affect the outcome.

Weather and Environmental Challenges:

Include dynamic weather conditions and environmental challenges that impact gameplay. Rain, snow, or strong winds could affect visibility and alter the way players approach missions.

Remember to balance these features to ensure a enjoyable and challenging gaming experience. just some new ideas just a few xd


im not sure ill do the gameplay reveiw thing but the dynamic lighting and shadows is already something im working on adding as seen with the light flash when you shoot, ill also have flashlights that light the whole room by using fake light bouncing, the evidence collection thing will have to be decided once i fully get the game mechanics working the way i want, like i dont know how much i want this to be a storymode game but its not off the table for sure, the interactable/interactive environment will definitely be used in the game though, same with the non lethal options i will have melee and smoke bombs/flash grenades, electricity traps and other little things to help gameplay feel more dynamic. the character customizability thing will not be considered being added unless i ever manage to make this game multiplayer. for the rest of the multiplayer stuff completely depends if i finish this game and learn how to make it multiplayer. the weather thing would also have to wait untill ive decided if the game is going to be a storymode type of game
but yea thanks for the suggestions, i dont want to sound ungreatfull but if you could keep your suggestions in one channel/post it would make it easier for me to keep it all together and see what i should add ty :)
im also uploading a new devlog after i make this reply

ok i will keep it in this channel then