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features you could add

A topic by ForceCRZ8 created Feb 16, 2024 Views: 89 Replies: 4
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(1 edit)

you can also probably make it so you can throw objects to distract npc's or even players so you can catch them off guard

and add a feature so if you for example make a circle of holes around a area if its thin enough it could break that shape out of the wall 

and or add a button that lets you tactically hold your flashlight on the side of your gun like cops sometimes do this isn't really needed but it adds a nice level of detail btw if you make a campaign mode add an option for gun jamming just incase someone doesn't want it in there playthrough of the game and one of the most important things in my opinion is adding a sandbox mode for fun ;) have a good day byeeee


Thanks i will take a look at these, im going to 100% add a sandbox mode and a cheat menu where you  can edit the guns shoot speed recoil amount and stuff too

Nice another thing you could let the player choose what the bullets are in the magazine so a ak-47 could shoot a shovel


yea i could do that but the bullets are hitscan and dont actually have a visual bullet midair and im not sure if im going to change i
